편집 파일: install-games-download.php
<?php if ( !defined('R_PILOT') ) exit(); $catalog = file_get_contents( 'https://gamemonetize.com/feed.json' ); if ( !!$catalog ) { $games = json_decode($catalog, true); $i = 0; foreach( $games as $game ) { $title = seo_friendly_url($game['title']); $user_info = "SELECT * FROM `" . GAMES . "` WHERE `game_name` = '$title'"; $user_info_query = $GameMonetizeConnect->query($user_info); if ($user_info_query->num_rows == 0) { $game_data = array(); $game_data['catalog_id'] = secureEncode($game['id']); $game_data['game_name'] = secureEncode($title); $game_data['name'] = secureEncode($game['title']); $game_data['description'] = !empty($game['description']) ? secureEncode($game['description']) : ''; $game_data['instructions'] = !empty($game['instructions']) ? secureEncode($game['instructions']) : ''; $game_data['file'] = secureEncode($game['url']); $game_data['width'] = $game['width']; $game_data['height'] = $game['height']; $game_data['image'] = $game['thumb']; $category = $game['category']; if($category == "Arcade") { $category = "4"; } if($category == "Action") { $category = "1"; } if($category == "Puzzles") { $category = "5"; } if($category == "Multiplayer") { $category = "7"; } if($category == "Shooting") { $category = "3"; } if($category == "Driving") { $category = "2"; } if($category == "Sports") { $category = "8"; } if($category == "Fighting") { $category = "9"; } /* // get thumb from the thumbserverfile $thumburl = $game_data['image']; $pinfo = pathinfo($thumburl); $extension = $pinfo['extension']; for($i=0;$i<count($sys_config["thumb_type"]);$i++){ if($extension==$sys_config["thumb_type"][$i]){ $thumb_type=$i; break; } } // $thumb= "../../../../images/".$title.".".$extension; $thumb= $config['site_url']. "/images/".$title.".".$extension; $thumburl1 = "/images/".$title.".".$extension; $sp = fopen($thumb, "wb"); fwrite($sp, GetUrlContent($thumburl)); fclose($sp); */ /* $thumburl = $game_data['image']; $pinfo = pathinfo($thumburl); $extension = $pinfo['extension']; $thumb= $config['site_url']. "/images/".$title.".".$extension; $thumburl1 = "/images/".$title.".".$extension; $ch = curl_init($thumburl); $fp = fopen($thumb, 'wb'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); fclose($fp); */ $thumburl = $game['thumb']; $pinfo = pathinfo($thumburl); $extension = $pinfo['extension']; $thumb= "../../../../images/" .$title.".".$extension; $thumburl1 = "/images/".$title.".".$extension; file_put_contents($thumb, file_get_contents($thumburl)); $isSuccess = $GameMonetizeConnect->query("INSERT INTO ".GAMES." ( catalog_id, game_name, name, image, import, description, instructions, category, file, game_type, w, h, date_added, published ) VALUES ( 'gamemonetize-{$game_data['catalog_id']}', '{$game_data['game_name']}', '{$game_data['name']}', '{$thumburl1}', '1', '{$game_data['description']}', '{$array_item['instruction']}', '{$category}', '{$game_data['file']}', 'html5', '{$game_data['width']}', '{$game_data['height']}', '{$time}', '0' )"); if($isSuccess){ addGameXml(siteUrl().'/game/'.$game_data['game_name']); } $i++; } } sleep(0.7); $data['message'] = $i . ' ' . $lang['admin_premium_games_installed']; } else { $data['error_message'] = 'Something went wrong!'; } function seo_friendly_url($string){ $string = str_replace(array('[\', \']'), '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/\[.*\]/U', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/&(amp;)?#?[a-z0-9]+;/i', '-', $string); $string = htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8'); $string = preg_replace('/&([a-z])(acute|uml|circ|grave|ring|cedil|slash|tilde|caron|lig|quot|rsquo);/i', '\\1', $string ); $string = preg_replace(array('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '/[-]+/') , '-', $string); return strtolower(trim($string, '-')); } function GetUrlContent($url){ $fp = fopen($url, "rb"); if (!$fp){ echo "<font color=red>Could not access the file: ".$url.". </font>"; return false; } $tmpfile=""; while (!feof($fp)){ $tmpfile .= fread($fp, 1024); } return $tmpfile; }