편집 파일: commandSucceededEvent-001.phpt
--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent --SKIPIF-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic-skipif.inc"; ?> <?php skip_if_not_live(); ?> <?php skip_if_not_clean(); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic.inc"; $m = create_test_manager(); class MySubscriber implements MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSubscriber { public function commandStarted(MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandStartedEvent $event): void { /* bson_get_monotonic_time() may only have 10-16 millisecond precision * on Windows. Sleep to ensure that a non-zero value is reported for * CommandSucceededEvent's duration. */ if (PHP_OS_FAMILY === 'Windows') { usleep(25000); } } public function commandSucceeded(MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandSucceededEvent $event): void { var_dump($event->getCommandName()); var_dump($event->getDatabaseName()); var_dump($event->getDurationMicros()); echo "getDurationMicros() returns > 0: ", $event->getDurationMicros() > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no', "\n"; var_dump($event->getHost()); var_dump($event->getOperationId()); var_dump($event->getPort()); var_dump($event->getReply()); var_dump($event->getRequestId()); /* Note: getServerConnectionId() and getServiceId() have more stringent * requirements and are tested separately. */ } public function commandFailed(MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\CommandFailedEvent $event): void { } } $manager = create_test_manager(); $subscriber = new MySubscriber(); MongoDB\Driver\Monitoring\addSubscriber($subscriber); $command = new MongoDB\Driver\Command(['ping' => 1]); $manager->executeCommand('admin', $command); ?> --EXPECTF-- string(4) "ping" string(5) "admin" int(%d) getDurationMicros() returns > 0: yes string(%d) "%s" string(%d) "%d" int(%d) object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { %A } string(%d) "%d"