편집 파일: try_repo.py
from __future__ import annotations import argparse import logging import os.path import tempfile import pre_commit.constants as C from pre_commit import git from pre_commit import output from pre_commit.clientlib import load_manifest from pre_commit.commands.run import run from pre_commit.store import Store from pre_commit.util import cmd_output_b from pre_commit.xargs import xargs from pre_commit.yaml import yaml_dump logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _repo_ref(tmpdir: str, repo: str, ref: str | None) -> tuple[str, str]: # if `ref` is explicitly passed, use it if ref is not None: return repo, ref ref = git.head_rev(repo) # if it exists on disk, we'll try and clone it with the local changes if os.path.exists(repo) and git.has_diff('HEAD', repo=repo): logger.warning('Creating temporary repo with uncommitted changes...') shadow = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'shadow-repo') cmd_output_b('git', 'clone', repo, shadow) cmd_output_b('git', 'checkout', ref, '-b', '_pc_tmp', cwd=shadow) idx = git.git_path('index', repo=shadow) objs = git.git_path('objects', repo=shadow) env = dict(os.environ, GIT_INDEX_FILE=idx, GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY=objs) staged_files = git.get_staged_files(cwd=repo) if staged_files: xargs(('git', 'add', '--'), staged_files, cwd=repo, env=env) cmd_output_b('git', 'add', '-u', cwd=repo, env=env) git.commit(repo=shadow) return shadow, git.head_rev(shadow) else: return repo, ref def try_repo(args: argparse.Namespace) -> int: with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: repo, ref = _repo_ref(tempdir, args.repo, args.ref) store = Store(tempdir) if args.hook: hooks = [{'id': args.hook}] else: repo_path = store.clone(repo, ref) manifest = load_manifest(os.path.join(repo_path, C.MANIFEST_FILE)) manifest = sorted(manifest, key=lambda hook: hook['id']) hooks = [{'id': hook['id']} for hook in manifest] config = {'repos': [{'repo': repo, 'rev': ref, 'hooks': hooks}]} config_s = yaml_dump(config) config_filename = os.path.join(tempdir, C.CONFIG_FILE) with open(config_filename, 'w') as cfg: cfg.write(config_s) output.write_line('=' * 79) output.write_line('Using config:') output.write_line('=' * 79) output.write(config_s) output.write_line('=' * 79) return run(config_filename, store, args)