편집 파일: reversename.cpython-38.pyc
U /?�f� � @ s� d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZej�d�Zej�d�Z ee fe ejjejjejjd�dd�Zee fejjejjejje d�d d �Z dS )zDNS Reverse Map Names.� Nz in-addr.arpa.z ip6.arpa.)�text� v4_origin� v6_origin�returnc C s� zXt j�| �}t j�|�r6dd� |dd� D �}|}n dd� tt�|��� �D �}|}W n. tk r� dd� t j �| �D �}|}Y nX t j jd�t |��|d�S ) a� Convert an IPv4 or IPv6 address in textual form into a Name object whose value is the reverse-map domain name of the address. *text*, a ``str``, is an IPv4 or IPv6 address in textual form (e.g. '', '::1') *v4_origin*, a ``dns.name.Name`` to append to the labels corresponding to the address if the address is an IPv4 address, instead of the default (in-addr.arpa.) *v6_origin*, a ``dns.name.Name`` to append to the labels corresponding to the address if the address is an IPv6 address, instead of the default (ip6.arpa.) Raises ``dns.exception.SyntaxError`` if the address is badly formed. Returns a ``dns.name.Name``. c S s g | ]}d | �qS �z%d� ��.0�byter r �=/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dns/reversename.py� <listcomp>9 s z from_address.<locals>.<listcomp>� Nc S s g | ]}|�qS r r )r �xr r r r <