편집 파일: immutable.cpython-38.pyc
U /?�f� � @ sP d dl Zd dlmZmZ d dlmZ eG dd� dejj��Z eed�dd�Z dS ) � N)�Any�Callable)� immutablec @ sP e Zd Zdefeeeg ejj f d�dd�Z dd� Zdd� Zd d � Z dd� Zd S )�DictF)� dictionary�no_copy�map_factoryc C s8 |rt |tjj�r|| _n|� | _| j�|� d| _dS )a Make an immutable dictionary from the specified dictionary. If *no_copy* is `True`, then *dictionary* will be wrapped instead of copied. Only set this if you are sure there will be no external references to the dictionary. N)� isinstance�collections�abc�MutableMapping�_odict�update�_hash)�selfr r r � r �;/opt/hc_python/lib/python3.8/site-packages/dns/immutable.py�__init__ s z Dict.__init__c C s | j �|�S �N)r �__getitem__)r �keyr r r r s zDict.__getitem__c C sB | j d kr<d}t| j�� �D ]}|t|�N }qt�| d|� | j S )Nr r )r �sortedr �keys�hash�object�__setattr__)r �hr r r r �__hash__! s z Dict.__hash__c C s t | j�S r )�lenr �r r r r �__len__* s zDict.__len__c C s t | j�S r )�iterr r r r r �__iter__- s z Dict.__iter__N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�dictr �boolr r r r r r r r r"