편집 파일: server.inc
<?php ini_set("log_errors", true); ini_set("error_log", __DIR__."/server.log"); function logger() { if (!ini_get("date.timezone")) { date_default_timezone_set(@date_default_timezone_get()); } error_log(sprintf("%s(%s): %s", basename(getenv("SCRIPT_FILENAME"), ".php"), basename(current(get_included_files()), ".inc"), call_user_func_array("sprintf", func_get_args()) )); } $php = getenv('TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE'); if ($php) { define('PHP_BIN', $php); } else if (defined('PHP_BINARY')) { define('PHP_BIN', PHP_BINARY); } else { // PHP-5.3 define("PHP_BIN", PHP_BINDIR.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."php"); } foreach (array("raphf", "http") as $ext) { if (!extension_loaded($ext)) { dl(ext_lib_name($ext)); } } function get_extension_load_arg($bin, $args, $ext) { $bin = escapeshellcmd($bin); $args = implode(' ', array_map('escapeshellarg', $args)); // check if php will load the extension with the existing args exec(sprintf('%s %s -m', $bin, $args), $output); foreach ($output as $line ) { if (trim($line) === $ext) { return null; } } // try to load the extension with an arg $arg = '-dextension=' . ini_get('extension_dir') . '/' . ext_lib_name($ext); exec(sprintf('%s %s %s -m', $bin, $args, escapeshellarg($arg)), $output); foreach ($output as $line ) { if (trim($line) === $ext) { return $arg; } } // check if the child will be able to dl() the extension $success = shell_exec(sprintf('%s %s -r "echo (int)dl(%s);', $bin, $args, var_export(ext_lib_name($ext), true))); if ($success) { return null; } echo "Unable to load extension '{$ext}' in child process"; exit(1); } function ext_lib_name($ext) { if (PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX === 'dll') { return "php_{$ext}.dll"; } return $ext . "." . PHP_SHLIB_SUFFIX; } function serve($cb) { /* stream_socket_server() automatically sets SO_REUSEADDR, * which is, well, bad if the tests are run in parallel */ $offset = rand(0,2000); foreach (range(40000+$offset, 50000+$offset) as $port) { logger("serve: Trying port %d", $port); if (($server = @stream_socket_server("tcp://localhost:$port"))) { fprintf(STDERR, "%s\n", $port); logger("serve: Using port %d", $port); do { $R = array($server); $W = array(); $E = array(); $select = stream_select($R, $E, $E, 1, 0); if ($select && ($client = stream_socket_accept($server, 1))) { logger("serve: Accept client %d", (int) $client); if (getenv("PHP_HTTP_TEST_SSL")) { stream_socket_enable_crypto($client, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_SERVER); } try { $R = array($client); while (!feof($client) && stream_select($R, $W, $E, 1, 0)) { logger("serve: Handle client %d", (int) $client); $cb($client); } logger("serve: EOF/timeout on client %d", (int) $client); } catch (Exception $ex) { logger("serve: Exception on client %d: %s", (int) $client, $ex->getMessage()); /* ignore disconnect */ if ($ex->getMessage() !== "Empty message received from stream") { fprintf(STDERR, "%s\n", $ex); } break; } } } while ($select); return; } } } function server($handler, $cb) { $args = []; $argList = preg_split('#\s+#', getenv('TEST_PHP_ARGS'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); for ($i = 0; isset($argList[$i]); $i++) { if ($argList[$i] === '-c') { array_push($args, '-c', $argList[++$i]); continue; } if ($argList[$i] === '-n') { $args[] = '-n'; continue; } if ($argList[$i] === '-d') { $args[] = '-d' . $argList[++$i]; continue; } if (substr($argList[$i], 0, 2) === '-d') { $args[] = $argList[$i]; } } foreach (['raphf', 'http'] as $ext) { if (null !== $arg = get_extension_load_arg(PHP_BIN, $args, $ext)) { $args[] = $arg; } } $args[] = __DIR__ . '/' . $handler; proc(PHP_BIN, $args, $cb); } function nghttpd($cb) { $spec = array(array("pipe","r"), array("pipe","w"), array("pipe","w")); $offset = rand(0,2000); foreach (range(8000+$offset, 9000+$offset) as $port) { $comm = "exec nghttpd -d html $port http2.key http2.crt"; if (($proc = proc_open($comm, $spec, $pipes, __DIR__))) { $stdin = $pipes[0]; $stdout = $pipes[1]; $stderr = $pipes[2]; sleep(1); $status = proc_get_status($proc); logger("nghttpd: %s", new http\Params($status)); if (!$status["running"]) { continue; } try { $cb($port, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e,"\n"; } proc_terminate($proc); fpassthru($stderr); fpassthru($stdout); return; } } } function proc($bin, $args, $cb) { $spec = array(array("pipe","r"), array("pipe","w"), array("pipe","w")); $comm = escapeshellcmd($bin) . " ". implode(" ", array_map("escapeshellarg", $args)); logger("proc: %s %s", $bin, implode(" ", $args)); if (($proc = proc_open($comm, $spec, $pipes, __DIR__))) { $stdin = $pipes[0]; $stdout = $pipes[1]; $stderr = $pipes[2]; do { $port = trim(fgets($stderr)); $R = array($stderr); $W = array(); $E = array(); } while (is_numeric($port) && stream_select($R, $W, $E, 0, 10000)); if (is_numeric($port)) { try { $cb($port, $stdin, $stdout, $stderr); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e,"\n"; } } proc_terminate($proc); fpassthru($stderr); fpassthru($stdout); } }