편집 파일: cdesc-Directory.ri
U:RDoc::NormalClass[iI"Directory:EFI"Rack::Directory;FI"Object;Fo:RDoc::Markup::Document:@parts[o;;[o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[ I"LRack::Directory serves entries below the +root+ given, according to the;FI"Ppath info of the Rack request. If a directory is found, the file's contents;FI"Owill be presented in an html based index. If a file is found, the env will;FI"&be passed to the specified +app+.;Fo:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o; ;[I"MIf +app+ is not specified, a Rack::File of the same +root+ will be used.;F: @fileI"lib/rack/directory.rb;F;0[[ I" files;FI"R;F:publicF@[ I" path;FI"RW;F;F@[ I" root;FI"RW;F;F@[ [I" DIR_FILE;Fo;;[ ;0@[I" DIR_PAGE;Fo;;[ ;0@[I"F;Fo;;[ ;0@[I"FILESIZE_FORMAT;Fo;;[o; ;[I"Stolen from Ramaze;F;0@[ [[I" class;F[[;[[I"new;F@[:protected[ [:private[ [I" instance;F[[;[[I" _call;F@[I" call;F@[I"check_forbidden;F@[I" each;F@[I"entity_not_found;F@[I"filesize_format;F@[I"list_directory;F@[I"list_path;F@[I" stat;F@[; [ [;[