편집 파일: undefined.cpython-33.pyc
� ��f c @ s� d Z d d l Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e j � Z Gd d � d e e j � Z Gd d � d e e j � Z d d � Z d S( u5 Python 'undefined' Codec This codec will always raise a ValueError exception when being used. It is intended for use by the site.py file to switch off automatic string to Unicode coercion. Written by Marc-Andre Lemburg (mal@lemburg.com). (c) Copyright CNRI, All Rights Reserved. NO WARRANTY. i Nc B s2 | Ee Z d Z d d d � Z d d d � Z d S( u Codecu strictc C s t d � � d S( Nu undefined encoding( u UnicodeError( u selfu inputu errors( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu encode s u Codec.encodec C s t d � � d S( Nu undefined encoding( u UnicodeError( u selfu inputu errors( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu decode s u Codec.decodeN( u __name__u __module__u __qualname__u encodeu decode( u __locals__( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu Codec s u Codecc B s# | Ee Z d Z d d d � Z d S( u IncrementalEncoderc C s t d � � d S( Nu undefined encoding( u UnicodeError( u selfu inputu final( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu encode s u IncrementalEncoder.encodeNF( u __name__u __module__u __qualname__u Falseu encode( u __locals__( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu IncrementalEncoder s u IncrementalEncoderc B s# | Ee Z d Z d d d � Z d S( u IncrementalDecoderc C s t d � � d S( Nu undefined encoding( u UnicodeError( u selfu inputu final( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu decode s u IncrementalDecoder.decodeNF( u __name__u __module__u __qualname__u Falseu decode( u __locals__( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu IncrementalDecoder s u IncrementalDecoderc B s | Ee Z d Z d S( u StreamWriterN( u __name__u __module__u __qualname__( u __locals__( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu StreamWriter s u StreamWriterc B s | Ee Z d Z d S( u StreamReaderN( u __name__u __module__u __qualname__( u __locals__( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu StreamReader# s u StreamReaderc C s@ t j d d d t � j d t � j d t d t d t d t � S( Nu nameu undefinedu encodeu decodeu incrementalencoderu incrementaldecoderu streamwriteru streamreader( u codecsu CodecInfou Codecu encodeu decodeu IncrementalEncoderu IncrementalDecoderu StreamWriteru StreamReader( ( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu getregentry( s u getregentry( u __doc__u codecsu Codecu IncrementalEncoderu IncrementalDecoderu StreamWriteru StreamReaderu getregentry( ( ( u8 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/encodings/undefined.pyu <module> s