편집 파일: rhnLockfile.cpython-36.pyc
3 U��Zc � @ s~ d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlmZmZ d dlmZ d dlZG dd� de�Z G dd� d�Z dd � Zed krzej e� pvd � dS )� N)�EWOULDBLOCK�EEXIST)�bstrc @ s e Zd ZdZdS )�LockfileLockedExceptionz$thrown ONLY when pid file is locked.N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__� r r �!/usr/lib/python3.6/rhnLockfile.pyr s r c @ s* e Zd ZdZd dd�Zdd� Zdd� ZdS ) �Lockfilez�class that provides simple access to a PID-style lockfile. methods: __init__(lockfile), acquire(), and release() NOTE: currently acquires upon init The *.pid file will be acquired, or an LockfileLockedException is raised. Nc C s� t jjt jjt jj|���| _|| _| js4t j� | _t jj| j�}t jj |�s�yt j |� W n8 tk r� tj � d }t|d�r�|jtkr�n� Y nX t j| jt jt jB t jB �| _| j� dS )zlcreate (if need be), and acquire lock on lockfile lockfile example: '/var/run/up2date.pid' � �errnoN)�os�path�abspath� expanduser� expandvars�lockfile�pid�getpid�dirname�exists�makedirs�OSError�sys�exc_info�hasattrr r �open�O_RDWR�O_CREAT�O_SYNC�f�acquire)�selfr r r �er r r �__init__$ s"