편집 파일: config_manager.cpython-36.opt-1.pyc
3 �gt`�* � @ s� d dl mZ d dl mZ d dlmZmZmZ d dlZd dlZd dl Zd dl Zd dlZd dlZd dl Z d dlZd dlZejjG dd� dejj��Zdd� Zejd �Zejd �Zejd�Zejd�Zd d� ZdS )� )�absolute_import)�unicode_literals)�_�logger�P_Nc @ sR e Zd ZdgZed�jejjd�Z e dd� �Zdd� Zdd � Z d d� Zdd � ZdS )�ConfigManagerCommandzconfig-managerz4manage {prog} configuration options and repositories)�progc C s� | j dddtd�d� | j dddtd �d � | j dg dd td�d� | j dddtd�d � | j dddtd�d � | j� }|j ddddtd�d� |j ddddtd�d� d S )N�crepo�*�repozrepo to modify)�nargs�metavar�helpz--saveF� store_truez/save the current options (useful with --setopt))�default�actionr z --add-repo�appendZURLz8add (and enable) the repo from the specified file or url)r r r r z--dumpz,print current configuration values to stdoutz--dump-variableszprint variable values to stdoutz --set-enabled�set_enabledz"enable repos (automatically saves))r �destr r z--set-disabled�set_disabledz#disable repos (automatically saves))�add_argumentr Zadd_mutually_exclusive_group)�parserZenable_group� r �$/usr/lib/python3.6/config_manager.py� set_argparser) s, z"ConfigManagerCommand.set_argparserc C s� | j j}d|_| jjg kp@| jjp@| jjp@| jjp@| jjp@| jj sp| j j jtd�j djdddddd d dg��� | jjg kr�tjtd�� | jjs�| jj s�| jjs�| jjr�d|_d d� | jjD �}dd� |D �| j_d S )NTz.one of the following arguments is required: {}� z--savez --add-repoz--dumpz--dump-variablesz --set-enabledz--enablez--set-disabledz --disablez{Warning: --enablerepo/--disablerepo arguments have no meaningwith config manager. Use --set-enabled/--set-disabled instead.c S s g | ]}|d kr|j d ��qS )�,)�split)�.0�xr r r � <listcomp>_ s z2ConfigManagerCommand.configure.<locals>.<listcomp>c S s"