편집 파일: server-executeBulkWrite-007.phpt
--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeBulkWrite() with write concern (replica set secondary) --SKIPIF-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic-skipif.inc"; ?> <?php skip_if_not_replica_set(); ?> <?php skip_if_not_enough_data_nodes(2); ?> <?php skip_if_not_clean(); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic.inc"; /* Disable retryWrites since the test expects to receive a "not primary" error, * which retryable writes would otherwise use to retry against the primary. */ $manager = create_test_manager(URI, ['retryWrites' => false]); $server = $manager->selectServer(new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::SECONDARY)); $writeConcerns = [1, 2, MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::MAJORITY]; foreach ($writeConcerns as $wc) { $bulk = new MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite(); $bulk->insert(['wc' => $wc]); $options = [ 'writeConcern' => new MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern($wc), ]; echo throws(function() use ($server, $bulk, $options) { $server->executeBulkWrite(NS, $bulk, $options); }, "MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException"), "\n"; } ?> ===DONE=== <?php exit(0); ?> --EXPECTF-- OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException not %r(primary|master)%r OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException not %r(primary|master)%r OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException not %r(primary|master)%r ===DONE===