편집 파일: manager-selectserver-001.phpt
--TEST-- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::selectServer() select a server from SDAM based on ReadPreference --SKIPIF-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic-skipif.inc"; ?> <?php skip_if_not_replica_set(); ?> <?php skip_if_not_clean(); ?> <?php skip_if_not_clean('local', COLLECTION_NAME); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic.inc"; // Disable retryWrites since the test writes to the unreplicated "local" database // Explicitly use w:1 to work around MongoDB 5.0 applying w:majority (SERVER-61790) $manager = create_test_manager(URI, ['retryWrites' => false, 'w' => 1]); $rp = new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::PRIMARY); $server = $manager->selectServer($rp); $rp2 = new MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference(MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::PRIMARY); $server2 = $manager->selectServer($rp2); // load fixtures for test $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite(); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 1, 'x' => 2, 'y' => 3)); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 2, 'x' => 3, 'y' => 4)); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 3, 'x' => 4, 'y' => 5)); $server->executeBulkWrite(NS, $bulk); $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query(array('x' => 3), array('projection' => array('y' => 1))); $cursor = $server->executeQuery(NS, $query); var_dump($cursor instanceof MongoDB\Driver\Cursor); var_dump($server == $cursor->getServer()); var_dump(iterator_to_array($cursor)); $query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query(array('x' => 3), array('projection' => array('y' => 1))); $cursor = $server2->executeQuery(NS, $query); var_dump($cursor instanceof MongoDB\Driver\Cursor); var_dump($server2 == $cursor->getServer()); var_dump(iterator_to_array($cursor)); $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite(); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 1, 'x' => 2, 'y' => 3)); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 2, 'x' => 3, 'y' => 4)); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 3, 'x' => 4, 'y' => 5)); throws(function() use($server2, $bulk) { $server2->executeBulkWrite(NS, $bulk); }, "MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException"); $bulk = new \MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite(); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 1, 'x' => 2, 'y' => 3)); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 2, 'x' => 3, 'y' => 4)); $bulk->insert(array('_id' => 3, 'x' => 4, 'y' => 5)); $result = $server2->executeBulkWrite('local.' . COLLECTION_NAME, $bulk); var_dump($result->getInsertedCount()); ?> ===DONE=== <?php exit(0); ?> --EXPECTF-- bool(true) bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#%d (2) { ["_id"]=> int(2) ["y"]=> int(4) } } bool(true) bool(true) array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#%d (2) { ["_id"]=> int(2) ["y"]=> int(4) } } OK: Got MongoDB\Driver\Exception\BulkWriteException int(3) ===DONE===