편집 파일: bson-toPHP-014.phpt
--TEST-- Uninstantiatable classes are ignored when processing __pclass (enums) --SKIPIF-- <?php require __DIR__ . "/../utils/basic-skipif.inc"; ?> <?php skip_if_php_version('<', '8.1.0'); ?> --FILE-- <?php require_once __DIR__ . '/../utils/basic.inc'; enum MyEnum { case A; } enum MyBackedEnum: int { case A = 1; } /* Note: the following BSON data corresponds to what might be produced by enums * implementing Persistable. Although that is now prohibited in the driver, it * could have been produced by an earlier version. */ var_dump(MongoDB\BSON\toPHP(MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON(sprintf('{"x": {"__pclass": {"$binary": "%s", "$type": "80"}, "name": "A"}}', base64_encode(MyEnum::class))))); var_dump(MongoDB\BSON\toPHP(MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON(sprintf('{"x": {"__pclass": {"$binary": "%s", "$type": "80"}, "name": "A", "value": 1}}', base64_encode(MyBackedEnum::class))))); ?> ===DONE=== <?php exit(0); ?> --EXPECTF-- Deprecated: Function MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON() is deprecated in %s Deprecated: Function MongoDB\BSON\toPHP() is deprecated in %s object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["x"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["__pclass"]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\Binary)#%d (%d) { ["data"]=> string(6) "MyEnum" ["type"]=> int(128) } ["name"]=> string(1) "A" } } Deprecated: Function MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON() is deprecated in %s Deprecated: Function MongoDB\BSON\toPHP() is deprecated in %s object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["x"]=> object(stdClass)#%d (%d) { ["__pclass"]=> object(MongoDB\BSON\Binary)#%d (%d) { ["data"]=> string(12) "MyBackedEnum" ["type"]=> int(128) } ["name"]=> string(1) "A" ["value"]=> int(1) } } ===DONE===