편집 파일: autohandler.cpython-38.pyc
U +�e] � @ s2 d Z ddlZddlZddlZddd�Zdd� ZdS )a� adds autohandler functionality to Mako templates. requires that the TemplateLookup class is used with templates. usage:: <%! from mako.ext.autohandler import autohandler %> <%inherit file="${autohandler(template, context)}"/> or with custom autohandler filename:: <%! from mako.ext.autohandler import autohandler %> <%inherit file="${autohandler(template, context, name='somefilename')}"/> � N�autohandlerc C s� |j }| jj}|js<z|jt||f W S tk r: Y nX t�dt � |��|g }t|�r�dd�|� }||kr�t ||�r�|js�|j�t||f|�S |S t|�dkr�q�|g|dd �<