편집 파일: list.cpython-38.pyc
U ��.e4) � @ s� d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlm Z d dl mZ d dlm Z d dlmZ d d lmZ d d lmZ d dlmZmZmZ d dlmZ e�e�ZG d d� de�Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Z dS )� )�absolute_importN)�six)�zip_longest)� cmdoptions)�IndexGroupCommand)�CommandError)� PackageFinder)�SelectionPreferences)�make_link_collector)�dist_is_editable�get_installed_distributions�write_output)� get_installerc sd e Zd ZdZdZ� fdd�Zdd� Zdd� Zd d � Zdd� Z d d� Z dd� Zdd� Zdd� Z � ZS )�ListCommandzt List installed packages, including editables. Packages are listed in a case-insensitive sorted order. z %prog [options]c s t t| �j||� | j}|jdddddd� |jddddd d� |jd ddddd� |jd ddddd� | jjdddddd� |�t�� � |jddddd� |jddddddd� |jddddd � |jd!d"d#d$d � |jd%dd#d&d'd(� t�tj| j �}| j � d)|� | j � d)|� d S )*Nz-oz --outdated� store_trueFzList outdated packages)�action�default�helpz-uz --uptodatezList uptodate packagesz-ez --editablezList editable projects.z-lz--localzSIf in a virtualenv that has global access, do not list globally-installed packages.z--user�userz,Only output packages installed in user-site.)�destr r r z--prezYInclude pre-release and development versions. By default, pip only finds stable versions.z--formatZstore�list_format�columns)r �freeze�jsonzBSelect the output format among: columns (default), freeze, or json)r r r �choicesr z--not-required�not_requiredz>List packages that are not dependencies of installed packages.)r r r z--exclude-editableZstore_false�include_editablez%Exclude editable package from output.z--include-editablez%Include editable package from output.T)r r r r r )�superr �__init__�cmd_optsZ add_optionr Z list_pathZmake_option_groupZindex_group�parserZinsert_option_group)�self�args�kwr Z index_opts�� __class__� �?/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/list.pyr &