편집 파일: fw_nm.cpython-36.pyc
3 @)�f � @ s d Z ddddddddgZd d lZd dlmZ yejdd � W n ek rT dZY n8X yd dlmZ dZW n e eej fk r� dZY nX d ad dlm Z d dlmZ d dlmZ d d lZdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd � Zd!d� Zd"d� Zd#d� Zd S )$z(Functions for NetworkManager interaction�check_nm_imported�nm_is_imported�nm_get_zone_of_connection�nm_set_zone_of_connection�nm_get_connections�nm_get_connection_of_interface�nm_get_bus_name�nm_get_dbus_interface� N)�GLib�NMz1.0F)r T)�errors)� FirewallError)�logc C s t sttjd��dS )zNCheck function to raise a MISSING_IMPORT error if the import of NM failed zgi.repository.NM = 1.0N)�_nm_importedr r ZMISSING_IMPORT� r r �/usr/lib/python3.6/fw_nm.pyr 0 s c C s t S )znReturns true if NM has been properly imported @return True if import was successful, False otherwirse )r r r r r r 6 s c C s t stjjd�a t S )z�Returns the NM client object or None if the import of NM failed @return NM.Client instance if import was successful, None otherwise N)� _nm_clientr ZClient�newr r r r � nm_get_client<