편집 파일: panel.cpython-311.pyc
� �Dg�) � � � d dl mZmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ ddlm Z mZ ddlmZmZ dd lmZ dd lmZmZ ddlmZmZ erddlmZmZmZmZ G d � de� � Ze dk rYddlmZ e� � Z!ddlm"Z"mZ ddlmZ eddde"d�� � Z#e!�$ � � e!�$ e#� � dS dS )� )� TYPE_CHECKING�Optional� )�AlignMethod)�ROUNDED�Box)�cell_len)�JupyterMixin)�Measurement�measure_renderables)�Padding�PaddingDimensions)�Segment)�Style� StyleType)�Text�TextType)�Console�ConsoleOptions�RenderableType�RenderResultc �� � e Zd ZdZefddddddddddddd�d d dedee d edee dedee de de de dee dee dede ddfd�Z eefdddddddddddd�d d dedee d edee dedee de de dee dee dede dd fd�� � Zedee fd�� � Zedee fd�� � Z d&d#�Z d'd%�ZdS )(�Panela� A console renderable that draws a border around its contents. Example: >>> console.print(Panel("Hello, World!")) Args: renderable (RenderableType): A console renderable object. box (Box, optional): A Box instance that defines the look of the border (see :ref:`appendix_box`. Defaults to box.ROUNDED. safe_box (bool, optional): Disable box characters that don't display on windows legacy terminal with *raster* fonts. Defaults to True. expand (bool, optional): If True the panel will stretch to fill the console width, otherwise it will be sized to fit the contents. Defaults to True. style (str, optional): The style of the panel (border and contents). Defaults to "none". border_style (str, optional): The style of the border. Defaults to "none". width (Optional[int], optional): Optional width of panel. Defaults to None to auto-detect. height (Optional[int], optional): Optional height of panel. Defaults to None to auto-detect. padding (Optional[PaddingDimensions]): Optional padding around renderable. Defaults to 0. highlight (bool, optional): Enable automatic highlighting of panel title (if str). Defaults to False. N�centerT�none)r r F)�title�title_align�subtitle�subtitle_align�safe_box�expand�style�border_style�width�height�padding� highlight� renderabler �boxr r r r r r! r"