편집 파일: wheel.cpython-311.pyc
� �Dg� � �| � d Z ddlZddlmZmZmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlmZ ddlm Z ddl mZ G d� d � � ZdS ) z`Represents a wheel file and provides access to the various parts of the name that have meaning. � N)�Dict�Iterable�List)�Tag)�InvalidWheelFilename)�parse_wheel_filename)� deprecatedc �� � e Zd ZdZ ej dej � � Zdeddfd�Z de e fd�Zde e de fd �Zde e d eee f de fd�Zdee defd�ZdS ) �WheelzA wheel filez�^(?P<namever>(?P<name>[^\s-]+?)-(?P<ver>[^\s-]*?)) ((-(?P<build>\d[^-]*?))?-(?P<pyver>[^\s-]+?)-(?P<abi>[^\s-]+?)-(?P<plat>[^\s-]+?) \.whl|\.dist-info)$�filename�returnNc �F � � � j � |� � }|st |� d�� � �|� _ |� d� � � dd� � � _ |� d� � }d|v rc t |� � n<# t $ r/}t d|�d|j d � d �d dd� � � Y d}~nd}~ww xY w|� dd� � }|� _ |� d� � � _ |� d� � � d� � � _ |� d� � � d� � � _ |� d� � � d� � � _ � fd�� j D � � � _ dS )zX :raises InvalidWheelFilename: when the filename is invalid for a wheel z is not a valid wheel filename.�name�_�-�verzWheel filename zU is not correctly normalised. Future versions of pip will raise the following error: r z zvto rename the wheel to use a correctly normalised name (this may require updating the version in the project metadata)z25.1i�2 )�reason�replacement�gone_in�issueN�build�pyver�.�abi�platc �Z �� h | ]'}�j D ]}�j D ]}t |||� � ����(S � )�abis�platsr )�.0�x�y�z�selfs ��z/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_internal/models/wheel.py� <setcomp>z!Wheel.__init__.<locals>.<setcomp>B s\ �� � � � ��4�9� � �67�d�j� � �IJ�C��1�a�L�L� � � � � � )� wheel_file_re�matchr r �group�replacer r �PackagingInvalidWheelNamer �args�version� build_tag�split� pyversionsr r � file_tags)r$ r � wheel_info�_version�es ` r% �__init__zWheel.__init__ s� �� � �'�-�-�h�7�7� �� U�&�(�'S�'S�'S�T�T�T� �� ��$�$�V�,�,�4�4�S�#�>�>�� ��#�#�E�*�*���(�?�?� �$�X�.�.�.�.��,� � � ��+�(� +� +��6�!�9�+� +� +� 0� #�� � � � � � � � � ����� ���� �'�'��S�1�1�H����#�)�)�'�2�2���$�*�*�7�3�3�9�9�#�>�>����$�$�U�+�+�1�1�#�6�6�� ��%�%�f�-�-�3�3�C�8�8�� � � � � �"&�/� � � ����s �?B � C�%C�Cc �>