편집 파일: __init__.cpython-311.pyc
� P�DgNA � � � d Z dZddlZddlmZ ddlmZmZ ddlm Z G d� de j � � Z G d � d e j � � ZdS )z� Plain HyperText Markup Language document tree Writer. The output conforms to the `HTML 5` specification. The cascading style sheet "minimal.css" is required for proper viewing, the style sheet "plain.css" improves reading experience. �reStructuredText� N)�Path)�frontend�nodes)� _html_basec �$ � e Zd ZdZ ddgZd e ee� � j � � gZ ee� � j dz Z ej e j j de � d�dge d d �fdd� e� � z d gddej ed�fdd� e � � z dgdej e d�fddgd� � � ddd�fddgddd�f� � � Zed!d"ej d#gd$ej d%�fej d&gd'dd�fd(d)gd*d+ifd,d-gd.d$d/�fd0d1gd2dd�fffz Zd3Zd4� Zd5S )6�Writer)�html5�xhtml�htmlzminimal.cssz plain.css�.ztemplate.txtz)Template file. (UTF-8 encoded, default: "z")z --templatez<file>)�default�metavarz�Comma separated list of stylesheet paths. Relative paths are expanded if a matching file is found in the --stylesheet-dirs. With --link-stylesheet, the path is rewritten relative to the output HTML file. (default: "%s")�,z--stylesheet-pathz<file[,file,...]>� stylesheet)r � overrides� validatorr z�Comma-separated list of directories where stylesheets are found. Used by --stylesheet-path when expanding relative path arguments. (default: "%s")z--stylesheet-dirsz<dir[,dir,...]>)r r r zySpecify the initial header level. Does not affect document title & subtitle (see --no-doc-title). (default: 2 for "<h2>")z--initial-header-levelz1 2 3 4 5 6�2z<level>)�choicesr r zOmit the XML declaration.z--no-xml-declaration�xml_declaration�store_false)�dest�action)�template�stylesheet_path�stylesheet_dirs�initial_header_level�no_xml_declarationzHTML5 Writer Options� z--embed-images� store_true)r r z --link-images�embed_imageszUSuggest at which point images should be loaded: "embed", "link" (default), or "lazy".z--image-loadingr )�embed�link�lazyz'Append a self-link to section headings.z--section-self-linkr )r r z8Do not append a self-link to section headings. (default)z--no-section-self-link�section_self_linkzhtml5 writerc �, � i | _ t | _ d S �N)�parts�HTMLTranslator�translator_class)�selfs ��/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/docutils/writers/html5_polyglot/__init__.py�__init__zWriter.__init__l s � ��� � .����� N)�__name__� __module__�__qualname__� supported�default_stylesheets�strr �__file__�parent�default_stylesheet_dirs�default_templater �filter_settings_specr r � settings_spec�join�validate_comma_separated_list�split� SUPPRESS_HELP�validate_boolean�config_sectionr- � r. r, r r $ s8 � � � � � �*�I�'�(�+�6��"�C�C���X���(=�$>�$>�?���t�H�~�~�,�~�=�� 2�H�1���'�L�8H�L�L�L� �N�(�X�>�>�@� � !$���)<� =� =� >� !�!�+�,�"�@�+� -� -� .� )�+.�8�8�4K�+L�+L� M� !�!�)�"�@�/� 1� 1�2� M� %�&�%�+�+�-�-�#�!� #� #� $� (� #�$�&�-�@�@�B�="� "� "�M�F "�� � � �� �!� �1�3� 3� 4� � �� �!�]� ;� ;� =�2�� ��/� � � 4� � !��<� 0� 0� 2� E�#� $�&�-� @� @� B�! �% � �M�2 $�N�/� /� /� /� /r. r c �$ � � e Zd ZdZddiZ� fd�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Z d � Z d � ZddhZd � Z d� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� ZdZ� fd�Zd� Zh d�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd � Z d!� Z!d"� Z"d#� Z#d$� Z$d%� Z%d&� Z&d'� Z'd(� Z(d)� Z)d*� Z*d+� Z+d,� Z,� fd-�Z-� xZ.S ).r) a> This writer generates `polyglot markup`: HTML5 that is also valid XML. Safe subclassing: when overriding, treat ``visit_*`` and ``depart_*`` methods as a unit to prevent breaks due to internal changes. See the docstring of docutils.writers._html_base.HTMLTranslator for details and examples. �tagname�mainc �~ �� t � � � |� � | j � d� � d S )NzG<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" /> )�superr- �meta�append)r+ �document� __class__s �r, r- zHTMLTranslator.__init__ sJ �� � ������"�"�"�� ��� N� O� O� O� O� Or. c �d � | j � | � |dd� � � � d S )N�abbrr )�bodyrH �starttag�r+ �nodes r, � visit_acronymzHTMLTranslator.visit_acronym� s. � �� ������t�V�R�8�8�9�9�9�9�9r. c �: � | j � d� � d S )Nz</abbr>�rM rH rO s r, �depart_acronymzHTMLTranslator.depart_acronym� s � �� ����#�#�#�#�#r. c �� � | � |dd�� � |D ]E}| j � d| � |� � � � � � d�� � �Fd S )N�authorsF�rG z<meta name="author" content="�" /> ��visit_docinfo_itemrG rH �attval�astext)r+ rP �subnodes r, � visit_authorszHTMLTranslator.visit_authors� s� � �����i�e��<�<�<�� H� H�G��I��� G�!%���W�^�^�-=�-=�!>�!>�G� G� G� H� H� H� H� H� Hr. c �. � | � � � d S r'