편집 파일: punctuation_chars.cpython-311.pyc
� P�Dgs � �8 � d Z dZdZdZdZddddd d ddd �Z d� ZdS )a� Docutils character category patterns. Patterns for the implementation of the `inline markup recognition rules`_ in the reStructuredText parser `docutils.parsers.rst.states.py` based on Unicode character categories. The patterns are used inside ``[ ]`` in regular expressions. Rule (5) requires determination of matching open/close pairs. However, the pairing of open/close quotes is ambiguous due to different typographic conventions in different languages. The ``quote_pairs`` function tests whether two characters form an open/close pair. The patterns are generated by ``docutils/tools/dev/generate_punctuation_chars.py`` to prevent dependence on the Python version and avoid the time-consuming generation with every Docutils run. See there for motives and implementation details. The category of some characters changed with the development of the Unicode standard. The current lists are generated with the help of the "unicodedata" module of Python 2.7.13 (based on Unicode version 5.2.0). .. _inline markup recognition rules: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/restructuredtext.html #inline-markup-recognition-rules u "'(<\[{༺༼᚛⁅⁽₍〈❨❪❬❮❰❲❴⟅⟦⟨⟪⟬⟮⦃⦅⦇⦉⦋⦍⦏⦑⦓⦕⦗⧘⧚⧼⸢⸤⸦⸨〈《「『【〔〖〘〚〝〝﴾︗︵︷︹︻︽︿﹁﹃﹇﹙﹛﹝([{⦅「«‘“‹⸂⸄⸉⸌⸜⸠‚„»’”›⸃⸅⸊⸍⸝⸡‛‟u "')>\]}༻༽᚜⁆⁾₎〉❩❫❭❯❱❳❵⟆⟧⟩⟫⟭⟯⦄⦆⦈⦊⦌⦎⦐⦒⦔⦖⦘⧙⧛⧽⸣⸥⸧⸩〉》」』】〕〗〙〛〞〟﴿︘︶︸︺︼︾﹀﹂﹄﹈﹚﹜﹞)]}⦆」»’”›⸃⸅⸊⸍⸝⸡‛‟«‘“‹⸂⸄⸉⸌⸜⸠‚„ur \-/:֊¡·¿;·՚-՟։־׀׃׆׳״؉؊،؍؛؞؟٪-٭۔܀-܍߷-߹࠰-࠾।॥॰෴๏๚๛༄-༒྅࿐-࿔၊-၏჻፡-፨᐀᙭᙮᛫-᛭᜵᜶។-៖៘-៚᠀-᠊᥄᥅᧞᧟᨞᨟᪠-᪦᪨-᪭᭚-᭠᰻-᰿᱾᱿᳓‐-‗†-‧‰-‸※-‾⁁-⁃⁇-⁑⁓⁕-⁞⳹-⳼⳾⳿⸀⸁⸆-⸈⸋⸎-⸛⸞⸟⸪-⸮⸰⸱、-〃〜〰〽゠・꓾꓿꘍-꘏꙳꙾꛲-꛷꡴-꡷꣎꣏꣸-꣺꤮꤯꥟꧁-꧍꧞꧟꩜-꩟꫞꫟꯫︐-︖︙︰-︲﹅﹆﹉-﹌﹐-﹒﹔-﹘﹟-﹡﹣﹨﹪﹫!-#%-'*,-/:;?@\。、・𐄀𐄁𐎟𐏐𐡗𐤟𐤿𐩐-𐩘𐩿𐬹-𐬿𑂻𑂼𑂾-𑃁𒑰-𒑳z\\.,;!?� »� ‚� ’u ‘’� „u “”� ”� ›)r u ‘r r u “r r r c � � t � | � � }n# t $ r Y dS w xY w|t | k p|t � | d� � v S )zDTest whether `c1` and `c2` are a matching open/close character pair.F� )�openers�index� ValueError�closers�quote_pairs�get)�c1�c2�is ��/builddir/build/BUILD/imunify360-venv-2.4.0/opt/imunify360/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/docutils/utils/punctuation_chars.py�match_charsr u sc � ���M�M�"������� � � ��u�u����� �����<�r�[�_�_�R��%<�%<�<�<s � � +�+N)�__doc__r r � delimiters�closing_delimitersr r � � r �<module>r sy �� � �6 � � � �&� �4 � � �������� � �� )�=� =� =� =� =r