편집 파일: __init__.cpython-311.pyc
� P�Dg� � �f � d Z dZddlmZ ddlmZmZ G d� de� � Zddddddd d ddd� Zd � Z dS )z0 This package contains Docutils parser modules. �reStructuredText� )� import_module)� Component�frontendc � � e Zd Zddddgdddej d�fd d gddifd dgdddej d�fddgddifddgdddej d�fffZdZdZd� Z d� Z d� ZdS )�ParserzGeneric Parser OptionsNzjDisable directives that insert the contents of an external file; replaced with a "warning" system message.z--no-file-insertion�store_false� �file_insertion_enabled)�action�default�dest� validatorzIEnable directives that insert the contents of an external file. (default)z--file-insertion-enabledr � store_truezFDisable the "raw" directive; replaced with a "warning" system message.z--no-raw�raw_enabledz%Enable the "raw" directive. (default)z --raw-enabledz>Maximal number of characters in an input line. Default 10 000.z--line-length-limitz<length>�int�'