편집 파일: ProcessUtils.cpp
/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <Core/ApplicationPool/Pool.h> /************************************************************************* * * Process data structure utility functions for ApplicationPool2::Pool * *************************************************************************/ namespace Passenger { namespace ApplicationPool2 { using namespace std; using namespace boost; /**************************** * * Private methods * ****************************/ ProcessPtr Pool::findOldestIdleProcess(const Group *exclude) const { ProcessPtr oldestIdleProcess; GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (group.get() == exclude) { g_it.next(); continue; } const ProcessList &processes = group->enabledProcesses; ProcessList::const_iterator p_it, p_end = processes.end(); for (p_it = processes.begin(); p_it != p_end; p_it++) { const ProcessPtr process = *p_it; if (process->busyness() == 0 && (oldestIdleProcess == NULL || process->lastUsed < oldestIdleProcess->lastUsed) ) { oldestIdleProcess = process; } } g_it.next(); } return oldestIdleProcess; } ProcessPtr Pool::findBestProcessToTrash() const { ProcessPtr oldestProcess; GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); const ProcessList &processes = group->enabledProcesses; ProcessList::const_iterator p_it, p_end = processes.end(); for (p_it = processes.begin(); p_it != p_end; p_it++) { const ProcessPtr process = *p_it; if (oldestProcess == NULL || process->lastUsed < oldestProcess->lastUsed) { oldestProcess = process; } } g_it.next(); } return oldestProcess; } /** * Calls Group::detach() so be sure to fix up the invariants afterwards. * See the comments for Group::detach() and the code for detachProcessUnlocked(). */ ProcessPtr Pool::forceFreeCapacity(const Group *exclude, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions) { ProcessPtr process = findOldestIdleProcess(exclude); if (process != NULL) { P_DEBUG("Forcefully detaching process " << process->inspect() << " in order to free capacity in the pool"); Group *group = process->getGroup(); assert(group != NULL); assert(group->getWaitlist.empty()); group->detach(process, postLockActions); } return process; } bool Pool::detachProcessUnlocked(const ProcessPtr &process, boost::container::vector<Callback> &postLockActions) { if (OXT_LIKELY(process->isAlive())) { verifyInvariants(); Group *group = process->getGroup(); group->detach(process, postLockActions); // 'process' may now be a stale pointer so don't use it anymore. assignSessionsToGetWaiters(postLockActions); possiblySpawnMoreProcessesForExistingGroups(); group->verifyInvariants(); verifyInvariants(); verifyExpensiveInvariants(); return true; } else { return false; } } void Pool::syncDisableProcessCallback(const ProcessPtr &process, DisableResult result, boost::shared_ptr<DisableWaitTicket> ticket) { LockGuard l(ticket->syncher); ticket->done = true; ticket->result = result; ticket->cond.notify_one(); } void Pool::possiblySpawnMoreProcessesForExistingGroups() { /* Looks for Groups that are waiting for capacity to become available, * and spawn processes in those groups. */ GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (group->isWaitingForCapacity()) { P_DEBUG("Group " << group->getName() << " is waiting for capacity"); group->spawn(); if (atFullCapacityUnlocked()) { return; } } g_it.next(); } /* Now look for Groups that haven't maximized their allowed capacity * yet, and spawn processes in those groups. */ g_it = GroupMap::ConstIterator(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); if (group->shouldSpawn()) { P_DEBUG("Group " << group->getName() << " requests more processes to be spawned"); group->spawn(); if (atFullCapacityUnlocked()) { return; } } g_it.next(); } } /**************************** * * Public methods * ****************************/ vector<ProcessPtr> Pool::getProcesses(bool lock) const { DynamicScopedLock l(syncher, lock); vector<ProcessPtr> result; GroupMap::ConstIterator g_it(groups); while (*g_it != NULL) { const GroupPtr &group = g_it.getValue(); ProcessList::const_iterator p_it; for (p_it = group->enabledProcesses.begin(); p_it != group->enabledProcesses.end(); p_it++) { result.push_back(*p_it); } for (p_it = group->disablingProcesses.begin(); p_it != group->disablingProcesses.end(); p_it++) { result.push_back(*p_it); } for (p_it = group->disabledProcesses.begin(); p_it != group->disabledProcesses.end(); p_it++) { result.push_back(*p_it); } g_it.next(); } return result; } ProcessPtr Pool::findProcessByGupid(const StaticString &gupid, bool lock) const { vector<ProcessPtr> processes = getProcesses(lock); vector<ProcessPtr>::const_iterator it, end = processes.end(); for (it = processes.begin(); it != end; it++) { const ProcessPtr &process = *it; if (process->getGupid() == gupid) { return process; } } return ProcessPtr(); } ProcessPtr Pool::findProcessByPid(pid_t pid, bool lock) const { vector<ProcessPtr> processes = getProcesses(lock); vector<ProcessPtr>::const_iterator it, end = processes.end(); for (it = processes.begin(); it != end; it++) { const ProcessPtr &process = *it; if (process->getPid() == pid) { return process; } } return ProcessPtr(); } bool Pool::detachProcess(const ProcessPtr &process) { ScopedLock l(syncher); boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; bool result = detachProcessUnlocked(process, actions); fullVerifyInvariants(); l.unlock(); runAllActions(actions); return result; } bool Pool::detachProcess(pid_t pid, const AuthenticationOptions &options) { ScopedLock l(syncher); ProcessPtr process = findProcessByPid(pid, false); if (process != NULL) { const Group *group = process->getGroup(); if (group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) || group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) { boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; bool result = detachProcessUnlocked(process, actions); fullVerifyInvariants(); l.unlock(); runAllActions(actions); return result; } else { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } } else { return false; } } bool Pool::detachProcess(const string &gupid, const AuthenticationOptions &options) { ScopedLock l(syncher); ProcessPtr process = findProcessByGupid(gupid, false); if (process != NULL) { const Group *group = process->getGroup(); if (group->authorizeByUid(options.uid) || group->authorizeByApiKey(options.apiKey)) { boost::container::vector<Callback> actions; bool result = detachProcessUnlocked(process, actions); fullVerifyInvariants(); l.unlock(); runAllActions(actions); return result; } else { throw SecurityException("Operation unauthorized"); } } else { return false; } } DisableResult Pool::disableProcess(const StaticString &gupid) { ScopedLock l(syncher); ProcessPtr process = findProcessByGupid(gupid, false); if (process != NULL) { Group *group = process->getGroup(); // Must be a boost::shared_ptr to be interruption-safe. boost::shared_ptr<DisableWaitTicket> ticket = boost::make_shared<DisableWaitTicket>(); DisableResult result = group->disable(process, boost::bind(syncDisableProcessCallback, boost::placeholders::_1, boost::placeholders::_2, ticket)); group->verifyInvariants(); group->verifyExpensiveInvariants(); if (result == DR_DEFERRED) { l.unlock(); ScopedLock l2(ticket->syncher); while (!ticket->done) { ticket->cond.wait(l2); } return ticket->result; } else { return result; } } else { return DR_NOOP; } } } // namespace ApplicationPool2 } // namespace Passenger