편집 파일: possible_solutions_for_download_and_extraction_problems.txt.erb
<red><b>Unable to download or extract Nginx source tarball</b></red> Possible reasons: <b>* You are not connected to the Internet.</b> If this is the case, then please connect to the Internet and try again. <b>* The URL that this installer tried to download from no longer exists.</b> If this is the case, then please download and extract the Nginx source manually. Then restart this installer, and choose option 2 ("No: I want to customize my Nginx installation"). <b>* The download was corrupted.</b> Please re-run this installer; it will re-download Nginx. If this still fails, then please download and extract the Nginx source manually. Then restart this installer, and choose option 2 ("No: I want to customize my Nginx installation"). <b>* This installer is not able to write to /tmp.</b> Please fix the permissions for this directory, or run this installer as <b>root</b>.