편집 파일: interfaces.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋fk� � � � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ G d� de� � Z G d� de� � Z G d � d e� � Z G d� de� � Z G d � de� � ZdS )z1Define core interfaces used by the engine system.� )�util)�Compiled)�TypeCompilerc �� � e Zd ZdZdZd� Zed� � � Zd� Zd� Z d8d�Z ej d d � � d8d�� � Z d8d�Zd8d �Zd8d�Zd8d�Zd8d�Zd8d�Zd8d�Zd8d�Z d8d�Zd8d�Zd8d�Zd� Zd� Zd8d�Zd8d�Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Z d� Z!d � Z"d!� Z#d"� Z$d#� Z%d$� Z&d%� Z'd&� Z( d9d(�Z) d9d)�Z*d*� Z+d8d+�Z,d8d,�Z- d8d-�Z.d.� Z/d/� Z0d0� Z1d1� Z2d2� Z3d3� Z4d4� Z5ed5� � � Z6ed6� � � Z7ed7� � � Z8dS ):�Dialecta� Define the behavior of a specific database and DB-API combination. Any aspect of metadata definition, SQL query generation, execution, result-set handling, or anything else which varies between databases is defined under the general category of the Dialect. The Dialect acts as a factory for other database-specific object implementations including ExecutionContext, Compiled, DefaultGenerator, and TypeEngine. .. note:: Third party dialects should not subclass :class:`.Dialect` directly. Instead, subclass :class:`.default.DefaultDialect` or descendant class. All dialects include the following attributes. There are many other attributes that may be supported as well: ``name`` identifying name for the dialect from a DBAPI-neutral point of view (i.e. 'sqlite') ``driver`` identifying name for the dialect's DBAPI ``positional`` True if the paramstyle for this Dialect is positional. ``paramstyle`` the paramstyle to be used (some DB-APIs support multiple paramstyles). ``encoding`` type of encoding to use for unicode, usually defaults to 'utf-8'. ``statement_compiler`` a :class:`.Compiled` class used to compile SQL statements ``ddl_compiler`` a :class:`.Compiled` class used to compile DDL statements ``server_version_info`` a tuple containing a version number for the DB backend in use. This value is only available for supporting dialects, and is typically populated during the initial connection to the database. ``default_schema_name`` the name of the default schema. This value is only available for supporting dialects, and is typically populated during the initial connection to the database. ``execution_ctx_cls`` a :class:`.ExecutionContext` class used to handle statement execution ``execute_sequence_format`` either the 'tuple' or 'list' type, depending on what cursor.execute() accepts for the second argument (they vary). ``preparer`` a :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.compiler.IdentifierPreparer` class used to quote identifiers. ``supports_alter`` ``True`` if the database supports ``ALTER TABLE`` - used only for generating foreign key constraints in certain circumstances ``max_identifier_length`` The maximum length of identifier names. ``supports_sane_rowcount`` Indicate whether the dialect properly implements rowcount for ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE`` statements. ``supports_sane_multi_rowcount`` Indicate whether the dialect properly implements rowcount for ``UPDATE`` and ``DELETE`` statements when executed via executemany. ``preexecute_autoincrement_sequences`` True if 'implicit' primary key functions must be executed separately in order to get their value. This is currently oriented towards PostgreSQL. ``implicit_returning`` use RETURNING or equivalent during INSERT execution in order to load newly generated primary keys and other column defaults in one execution, which are then available via inserted_primary_key. If an insert statement has returning() specified explicitly, the "implicit" functionality is not used and inserted_primary_key will not be available. ``colspecs`` A dictionary of TypeEngine classes from sqlalchemy.types mapped to subclasses that are specific to the dialect class. This dictionary is class-level only and is not accessed from the dialect instance itself. ``supports_default_values`` Indicates if the construct ``INSERT INTO tablename DEFAULT VALUES`` is supported ``supports_sequences`` Indicates if the dialect supports CREATE SEQUENCE or similar. ``sequences_optional`` If True, indicates if the "optional" flag on the Sequence() construct should signal to not generate a CREATE SEQUENCE. Applies only to dialects that support sequences. Currently used only to allow PostgreSQL SERIAL to be used on a column that specifies Sequence() for usage on other backends. ``supports_native_enum`` Indicates if the dialect supports a native ENUM construct. This will prevent types.Enum from generating a CHECK constraint when that type is used. ``supports_native_boolean`` Indicates if the dialect supports a native boolean construct. This will prevent types.Boolean from generating a CHECK constraint when that type is used. ``dbapi_exception_translation_map`` A dictionary of names that will contain as values the names of pep-249 exceptions ("IntegrityError", "OperationalError", etc) keyed to alternate class names, to support the case where a DBAPI has exception classes that aren't named as they are referred to (e.g. IntegrityError = MyException). In the vast majority of cases this dictionary is empty. .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 Fc � � t � � �)a� Build DB-API compatible connection arguments. Given a :class:`.URL` object, returns a tuple consisting of a ``(*args, **kwargs)`` suitable to send directly to the dbapi's connect function. The arguments are sent to the :meth:`.Dialect.connect` method which then runs the DBAPI-level ``connect()`` function. The method typically makes use of the :meth:`.URL.translate_connect_args` method in order to generate a dictionary of options. The default implementation is:: def create_connect_args(self, url): opts = url.translate_connect_args() opts.update(url.query) return [[], opts] :param url: a :class:`.URL` object :return: a tuple of ``(*args, **kwargs)`` which will be passed to the :meth:`.Dialect.connect` method. .. seealso:: :meth:`.URL.translate_connect_args` ��NotImplementedError)�self�urls �S/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/interfaces.py�create_connect_argszDialect.create_connect_args� � � �>