편집 파일: __init__.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f� � � � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ej ej � � d� Z ed� � ed� � dS )a� These transforms replace the Django types with adapted versions to provide additional typing and method inference to pylint. All of these transforms are considered "global" to pylint-django, in that all checks and improvements requre them to be loaded. Additional transforms specific to checkers are loaded by the checker rather than here. For example, the ForeignKeyStringsChecker loads the foreignkey.py transforms itself as it may be disabled independently of the rest of pylint-django � N)�fieldsc �R � � � fd�}t j t j � |� � d S )Nc �� �� t j � t j � t � � d� � } t j dd�� � }t j � | |� d�� � }t |d�� � 5 }|� � � }ddd� � n# 1 swxY w Y t j � t j � � � |� � S )a: Build a fake module to use within transformations. @package_name is a parameter from the outer scope b/c according to the docs this can't receive any parameters. http://pylint.pycqa.org/projects/astroid/en/latest/extending.html?highlight=MANAGER#module-extender-transforms � transformsz\.�_z.pyzutf-8)�encodingN)�os�path�join�dirname�__file__�re�sub�open�read�astroid�builder�AstroidBuilder�MANAGER�string_build)�transforms_dir�transformed_name�fake_module_path� modulefile�fake_module�package_names ��r/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pylint_django/transforms/__init__.py�fake_module_builderz+_add_transform.<locals>.fake_module_builder s� �� � ����b�g�o�o�h�&?�&?��N�N���6�%��l�;�;���7�<�<��;K�8P�8P�8P�Q�Q�� �"�W� 5� 5� 5� ,��$�/�/�+�+�K� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,� ,���� ,� ,� ,� ,� ��-�-�g�o�>�>�K�K�K�X�X�Xs �B/�/B3�6B3)r �register_module_extenderr )r r s ` r �_add_transformr sA �� �Y� Y� Y� Y� Y� �$�W�_�l�DW�X�X�X�X�X� zdjango.utils.translationzdjango.db.models.fields.files) �__doc__r r r �pylint_django.transformsr �add_transformsr r � r! r �<module>r&