편집 파일: primer_compare_command.py
# Licensed under the GPL: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html # For details: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/LICENSE # Copyright (c) https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/blob/main/CONTRIBUTORS.txt from __future__ import annotations import json from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath from pylint.reporters.json_reporter import OldJsonExport from pylint.testutils._primer.primer_command import ( PackageData, PackageMessages, PrimerCommand, ) MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH = 65536 class CompareCommand(PrimerCommand): def run(self) -> None: main_data = self._load_json(self.config.base_file) pr_data = self._load_json(self.config.new_file) missing_messages_data, new_messages_data = self._cross_reference( main_data, pr_data ) comment = self._create_comment(missing_messages_data, new_messages_data) with open(self.primer_directory / "comment.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(comment) @staticmethod def _cross_reference( main_data: PackageMessages, pr_data: PackageMessages ) -> tuple[PackageMessages, PackageMessages]: missing_messages_data: PackageMessages = {} for package, data in main_data.items(): package_missing_messages: list[OldJsonExport] = [] for message in data["messages"]: try: pr_data[package]["messages"].remove(message) except ValueError: package_missing_messages.append(message) missing_messages_data[package] = PackageData( commit=pr_data[package]["commit"], messages=package_missing_messages ) return missing_messages_data, pr_data @staticmethod def _load_json(file_path: Path | str) -> PackageMessages: with open(file_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: result: PackageMessages = json.load(f) return result def _create_comment( self, all_missing_messages: PackageMessages, all_new_messages: PackageMessages ) -> str: comment = "" for package, missing_messages in all_missing_messages.items(): if len(comment) >= MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH: break new_messages = all_new_messages[package] if not missing_messages["messages"] and not new_messages["messages"]: continue comment += self._create_comment_for_package( package, new_messages, missing_messages ) comment = ( f"🤖 **Effect of this PR on checked open source code:** 🤖\n\n{comment}" if comment else ( "🤖 According to the primer, this change has **no effect** on the" " checked open source code. 🤖🎉\n\n" ) ) return self._truncate_comment(comment) def _create_comment_for_package( self, package: str, new_messages: PackageData, missing_messages: PackageData ) -> str: comment = f"\n\n**Effect on [{package}]({self.packages[package].url}):**\n" # Create comment for new messages count = 1 astroid_errors = 0 new_non_astroid_messages = "" if new_messages["messages"]: print("Now emitted:") for message in new_messages["messages"]: filepath = str( PurePosixPath(message["path"]).relative_to( self.packages[package].clone_directory ) ) # Existing astroid errors may still show up as "new" because the timestamp # in the message is slightly different. if message["symbol"] == "astroid-error": astroid_errors += 1 else: new_non_astroid_messages += ( f"{count}) {message['symbol']}:\n*{message['message']}*\n" f"{self.packages[package].url}/blob/{new_messages['commit']}/{filepath}#L{message['line']}\n" ) print(message) count += 1 if astroid_errors: comment += ( f'{astroid_errors} "astroid error(s)" were found. ' "Please open the GitHub Actions log to see what failed or crashed.\n\n" ) if new_non_astroid_messages: comment += ( "The following messages are now emitted:\n\n<details>\n\n" + new_non_astroid_messages + "\n</details>\n\n" ) # Create comment for missing messages count = 1 if missing_messages["messages"]: comment += "The following messages are no longer emitted:\n\n<details>\n\n" print("No longer emitted:") for message in missing_messages["messages"]: comment += f"{count}) {message['symbol']}:\n*{message['message']}*\n" filepath = str( PurePosixPath(message["path"]).relative_to( self.packages[package].clone_directory ) ) assert not self.packages[package].url.endswith( ".git" ), "You don't need the .git at the end of the github url." comment += ( f"{self.packages[package].url}" f"/blob/{new_messages['commit']}/{filepath}#L{message['line']}\n" ) count += 1 print(message) if missing_messages: comment += "\n</details>\n\n" return comment def _truncate_comment(self, comment: str) -> str: """GitHub allows only a set number of characters in a comment.""" hash_information = ( f"*This comment was generated for commit {self.config.commit}*" ) if len(comment) + len(hash_information) >= MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH: truncation_information = ( f"*This comment was truncated because GitHub allows only" f" {MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH} characters in a comment.*" ) max_len = ( MAX_GITHUB_COMMENT_LENGTH - len(hash_information) - len(truncation_information) ) comment = f"{comment[:max_len - 10]}...\n\n{truncation_information}\n\n" comment += hash_information return comment