편집 파일: all_tests.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f� � �d � d Z ddlZddlZddlmZmZmZmZmZm Z m Z mZmZm Z mZmZmZmZ G d� dej � � Zedk rl ej d�� � � e� � � � � � � Z ej ee� � � � � � � dS dS ) zA test suite that runs all tests for pyfakefs at once. Includes tests with external pathlib2 and scandir packages if installed.� N)�dynamic_patch_test�fake_stat_time_test�example_test�fake_filesystem_glob_test�fake_filesystem_shutil_test�fake_filesystem_test�fake_filesystem_unittest_test�fake_filesystem_vs_real_test�fake_open_test�fake_os_test�fake_pathlib_test�fake_tempfile_test�patched_packages_test�mox3_stubout_testc � � e Zd ZdZd� ZdS )�AllTestsz6A test suite that runs all tests for pyfakefs at once.c � � t j }| � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t � � |� t"