편집 파일: _polybase.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋fg� � �b � d Z ddlZddlZddlZddlZddlmZ dgZ G d� dej � � ZdS )a Abstract base class for the various polynomial Classes. The ABCPolyBase class provides the methods needed to implement the common API for the various polynomial classes. It operates as a mixin, but uses the abc module from the stdlib, hence it is only available for Python >= 2.6. � N� )� polyutils�ABCPolyBasec � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZe� dddddd d ddd d� � � Z e� ddddddddddd� � � Z ej dk Z ed� � � Zeej d� � � � � Zeej d� � � � � Zeej d� � � � � Zeej d� � � � � Zeej d� � � � � Zeej d � � � � � Zeej d!� � � � � Zeej dfd"�� � � � Zeej d#� � � � � Zeej d$� � � � � Zeej d%� � � � � Zeej d&� � � � � Zeej d'� � � � � Zeej d(� � � � � Z eej d)� � � � � Z!d*� Z"d+� Z#d,� Z$d-� Z%d.� Z&dgd0�Z'd1� Z(d2� Z)d3� Z*d4� Z+e,d5� � � Z-e,d6� � � Z.e,d7� � � Z/edhd9�� � Z0d:� Z1d;� Z2d<� Z3d=� Z4d>� Z5d?� Z6d@� Z7dA� Z8dB� Z9dC� Z:dD� Z;dE� Z<dF� Z=dG� Z>dH� Z?dI� Z@dJ� ZAdK� ZBdL� ZCdM� ZDdN� ZEdO� ZFdP� ZGdQ� ZHdR� ZIdS� ZJdT� ZKdU� ZLdV� ZMdidX�ZNdY� ZOdjdZ�ZPd[� ZQd\g dfd]�ZRdkd^�ZSd_� ZTdld`�ZUe, dmda�� � ZVe,g dd/fdb�� � ZWe,dgdc�� � ZXe,dgdd�� � ZYe,dnde�� � ZZdS )or a An abstract base class for immutable series classes. ABCPolyBase provides the standard Python numerical methods '+', '-', '*', '//', '%', 'divmod', '**', and '()' along with the methods listed below. .. versionadded:: 1.9.0 Parameters ---------- coef : array_like Series coefficients in order of increasing degree, i.e., ``(1, 2, 3)`` gives ``1*P_0(x) + 2*P_1(x) + 3*P_2(x)``, where ``P_i`` is the basis polynomials of degree ``i``. domain : (2,) array_like, optional Domain to use. The interval ``[domain[0], domain[1]]`` is mapped to the interval ``[window[0], window[1]]`` by shifting and scaling. The default value is the derived class domain. window : (2,) array_like, optional Window, see domain for its use. The default value is the derived class window. symbol : str, optional Symbol used to represent the independent variable in string representations of the polynomial expression, e.g. for printing. The symbol must be a valid Python identifier. Default value is 'x'. .. versionadded:: 1.24 Attributes ---------- coef : (N,) ndarray Series coefficients in order of increasing degree. domain : (2,) ndarray Domain that is mapped to window. window : (2,) ndarray Window that domain is mapped to. symbol : str Symbol representing the independent variable. Class Attributes ---------------- maxpower : int Maximum power allowed, i.e., the largest number ``n`` such that ``p(x)**n`` is allowed. This is to limit runaway polynomial size. domain : (2,) ndarray Default domain of the class. window : (2,) ndarray Default window of the class. N�d u ⁰� ¹� ²� ³u ⁴u ⁵u ⁶u ⁷u ⁸u ⁹) �0�1�2�3�4�5�6�7�8�9u ₀u ₁u ₂u ₃u ₄u ₅u ₆u ₇u ₈u ₉�ntc � � | j S �N)�_symbol��selfs �Q/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/polynomial/_polybase.py�symbolzABCPolyBase.symboln s � ��|�� c � � d S r � r s r �domainzABCPolyBase.domainr � � � �r c � � d S r r r s r �windowzABCPolyBase.windoww r! r c � � d S r r r s r � basis_namezABCPolyBase.basis_name| r! r c � � d S r r ��c1�c2s r �_addzABCPolyBase._add� r! r c � � d S r r r'