편집 파일: clselectctlphp.cpython-311.pyc
� %�4gz� � �" � d dl mZ d dl mZ d dl mZ d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dl Z d dl Zd dlZd dl Z d dlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZmZ dd lmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ d d lmZ d dlmZ d dl m!Z! d dl"m#Z#m$Z$ d dl%m&Z&m'Z' d dl(m)Z) ddl*m+Z+m,Z, ddl-m.Z.m/Z/ d Z0dZ1dZ2d� Z3d5d�Z4d� Z5d� Z6d� Z7de0fd�Z8de0fd�Z9d� Z:d� Z;d � Z<d!� Z=d"� Z>d#� Z?d6d%�Z@d7d'�ZAd5d(�ZBd)� ZCd*� ZDd+� ZEd,� ZFd-� ZGd.� ZHd8d/�ZId0� ZJd1� ZKd2� ZLd3� ZMeNd4k r eM� � dS dS )9� )�print_function)�absolute_import)�divisionN)�map� )�ClSelect)�ClExtSelect�depend_modules_dict)�ClUserSelect)�ClUserExtSelect)�ClUserOptSelect)�clprint)�ClPwd)�Feature)�is_panel_feature_supported)� SysCtlConf�SYSCTL_CL_CONF_FILE)�run_command�ExternalProgramFailed)� is_ubuntu)� in_cagefs�make_symlink)�ClSelectExcept�BaseClSelectExceptionz/usr/sbin/cagefsctlc � � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d � � t d � � t d� � t d� � t d � � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d� � t d � � t d!� � t d"� � t d#� � t d$� � t d%� � t d&� � t d'� � t d(� � t d)� t � � � � t d*� � t d+� � t d,� � t d-� � t d.� � t d/� � t d0� � t d1� � t d2� � d S )3Nz? -v | --version : Specify alternative versionz, -u | --user : UsernamezE -l | --list : List alternatives for interpreterzQ -G | --list-extensions : List global set of extensions for alternativez@ -S | --summary : List summary of alternativeszE -s | --user-summary : List user summary of alternativeszG -C | --current : Show currently selected alternativezR -c | --user-current : Show currently selected alternative for a userzE -B | --set-current : Set alternative as global defaultzC -b | --set-user-current : Set alternative as user defaultz? -Y | --enable-alternative : Enable alternative globallyz@ -N | --disable-alternative : Disable alternative globallyzd -E | --enable-extensions : Enable comma-separated list of extensions globally for a versionze -D | --disable-extensions : Disable comma-separated list of extensions globally for a versionz_ -R | --replace-extensions : Replace extensions with comma-separated list of extensions z: for a version globallyzX -e | --enable-user-extensions : Enable comma-separated list of extensions for a userzY -d | --disable-user-extensions : Disable comma-separated list of extensions for a userzc -r | --replace-user-extensions : Replace user extensions with comma-separated list of extensionsz[ -t | --reset-user-extensions : Replace user extensions with version default extensionszk -g | --list-user-extensions : List enabled extensions for a user. With key --all shows all extensionsz7 -a | --all : Show all extensionszf -p | --print-summary : If specified along with setting an alternative prints user summaryzb -V | --show-native-version : Shows native version while showing summary or selected versionzN -L | --list-users : List users who use a specified alternativezg -T | --change-to-version : Changes to a specified version all users who have a certain versionzO -k | --add-options : Add comma-separated list options for a userz] -m | --replace-options : Replace user options with comma-separated list of optionszR -x | --delete-options : Delete comma-separated list options for a userzY -Q | --base64 : Expects data as comma-separated base64-encoded stringzL -q | --quiet : Suppress errors messages for wrong inputzX -P | --print-options : Prints user options. By default prints as plain textzg --print-options-safe : Prints user options. By default prints as plain text (safe strings)zV --apply-symlinks-rules : Recreate symlinks to php extensions for all users zQ based on /etc/cl.selector/symlinks.rules filezk --exclude-pid-list : Specify list of PIDs of processes that should not be signaled by SIGHUPz6 -j | --json : Print data as JSONz5 -w | --csv : Print data as CSVz@ -W | --perl : Print data as perl structurezW --api-version : Integer, representing specific api version to use. z2 Defaults to {}ze -z | --reset-options : Deletes all user custom options. Range can be narrowed with user z6 or version optionsz< --update-backup : write settings to backupzh --apply-global-php-ini : use with 0, 1 or 2 arguments from the list: error_log, date.timezonezh without arguments applies all global php options including two abovezE --setup-without-cagefs : setup PHP Selector without CageFSzY --revert-to-cagefs : revert to default setup of PHP Selector (with CageFS)zV --for-all-users : applies specified action for all users in CageFS. zU Available only for enable/disable user extensions)�print�format�API_0� � �N/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/clselect/clselectctlphp.py�usager"