편집 파일: cpython3.py
import abc import fnmatch from itertools import chain from operator import methodcaller as method from pathlib import Path from textwrap import dedent from virtualenv.create.describe import Python3Supports from virtualenv.create.via_global_ref.builtin.ref import PathRefToDest from virtualenv.create.via_global_ref.store import is_store_python from .common import CPython, CPythonPosix, CPythonWindows, is_mac_os_framework class CPython3(CPython, Python3Supports, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """CPython 3 or later""" class CPython3Posix(CPythonPosix, CPython3): @classmethod def can_describe(cls, interpreter): return is_mac_os_framework(interpreter) is False and super().can_describe(interpreter) def env_patch_text(self): text = super().env_patch_text() if self.pyvenv_launch_patch_active(self.interpreter): text += dedent( """ # for https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/9516, see https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/1704 import os if "__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__" in os.environ: del os.environ["__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__"] """, ) return text @classmethod def pyvenv_launch_patch_active(cls, interpreter): ver = interpreter.version_info return interpreter.platform == "darwin" and ((3, 7, 8) > ver >= (3, 7) or (3, 8, 3) > ver >= (3, 8)) class CPython3Windows(CPythonWindows, CPython3): """ """ @classmethod def setup_meta(cls, interpreter): if is_store_python(interpreter): # store python is not supported here return None return super().setup_meta(interpreter) @classmethod def sources(cls, interpreter): if cls.has_shim(interpreter): refs = cls.executables(interpreter) else: refs = chain( cls.executables(interpreter), cls.dll_and_pyd(interpreter), cls.python_zip(interpreter), ) yield from refs @classmethod def executables(cls, interpreter): return super().sources(interpreter) @classmethod def has_shim(cls, interpreter): return interpreter.version_info.minor >= 7 and cls.shim(interpreter) is not None @classmethod def shim(cls, interpreter): shim = Path(interpreter.system_stdlib) / "venv" / "scripts" / "nt" / "python.exe" if shim.exists(): return shim return None @classmethod def host_python(cls, interpreter): if cls.has_shim(interpreter): # starting with CPython 3.7 Windows ships with a venvlauncher.exe that avoids the need for dll/pyd copies # it also means the wrapper must be copied to avoid bugs such as https://bugs.python.org/issue42013 return cls.shim(interpreter) return super().host_python(interpreter) @classmethod def dll_and_pyd(cls, interpreter): folders = [Path(interpreter.system_executable).parent] # May be missing on some Python hosts. # See https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/2368 dll_folder = Path(interpreter.system_prefix) / "DLLs" if dll_folder.is_dir(): folders.append(dll_folder) for folder in folders: for file in folder.iterdir(): if file.suffix in (".pyd", ".dll"): yield PathRefToDest(file, cls.to_bin) @classmethod def python_zip(cls, interpreter): """ "python{VERSION}.zip" contains compiled *.pyc std lib packages, where "VERSION" is `py_version_nodot` var from the `sysconfig` module. :see: https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html#the-embeddable-package :see: `discovery.py_info.PythonInfo` class (interpreter). :see: `python -m sysconfig` output. :note: The embeddable Python distribution for Windows includes "python{VERSION}.zip" and "python{VERSION}._pth" files. User can move/rename *zip* file and edit `sys.path` by editing *_pth* file. Here the `pattern` is used only for the default *zip* file name! """ pattern = f"*python{interpreter.version_nodot}.zip" matches = fnmatch.filter(interpreter.path, pattern) matched_paths = map(Path, matches) existing_paths = filter(method("exists"), matched_paths) path = next(existing_paths, None) if path is not None: yield PathRefToDest(path, cls.to_bin) __all__ = [ "CPython3", "CPython3Posix", "CPython3Windows", ]