편집 파일: state.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f[x � �> � d Z ddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lm Z dd lm Z ddlmZ ddlmZ dd lm Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ej G d� dej � � � � Z G d� de� � Z G d� de� � ZdS )z�Defines instrumentation of instances. This module is usually not directly visible to user applications, but defines a large part of the ORM's interactivity. � N� )�base)�exc)� interfaces)�ATTR_WAS_SET)�INIT_OK)� NEVER_SET)�NO_VALUE)�PASSIVE_NO_INITIALIZE)�PASSIVE_NO_RESULT)�PASSIVE_OFF)�SQL_OK)�PathRegistry� )� inspection)�utilc � � e Zd ZdZdZdZdZej Z e j ZdZ dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZ d� ZdZ ej d� � � Zed� � � Zed � � � Zed � � � Zed� � � Z ed� � � Z!ed � � � Z"e ej# d� � d� � � � � Z$d� Z%e ej# d� � d� � � � � Z&ed� � � Z'ed� � � Z(ed� � � Z)ej d� � � Z*ej d� � � Z+ej d� � � Z,ed� � � Z-e.d5d�� � Z/d6d�Z0d� Z1d� Z2d� Z3ed� � � Z4d� Z5d � Z6d!� Z7d"� Z8d#� Z9d$� Z:d%� Z;d&� Z<e.d'� � � Z=d(� Z>d5d)�Z?d*� Z@ed+� � � ZAd,� ZBed-� � � ZCed.� � � ZDed/� � � ZEd0� ZF d7d1�ZGd2� ZHd6d3�ZIe.d6d4�� � ZJdS )8� InstanceStatea� tracks state information at the instance level. The :class:`.InstanceState` is a key object used by the SQLAlchemy ORM in order to track the state of an object; it is created the moment an object is instantiated, typically as a result of :term:`instrumentation` which SQLAlchemy applies to the ``__init__()`` method of the class. :class:`.InstanceState` is also a semi-public object, available for runtime inspection as to the state of a mapped instance, including information such as its current status within a particular :class:`.Session` and details about data on individual attributes. The public API in order to acquire a :class:`.InstanceState` object is to use the :func:`_sa.inspect` system:: >>> from sqlalchemy import inspect >>> insp = inspect(some_mapped_object) .. seealso:: :ref:`core_inspection_toplevel` NFT� c � � |j | _ || _ t j || j � � | _ i | _ t � � | _ d S �N) � __class__�class_�manager�weakref�ref�_cleanup�obj�committed_state�set�expired_attributes)�selfr r s �K/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/state.py�__init__zInstanceState.__init__Y sA � ��m�������;�s�D�M�2�2���!���"%�%�%����� c �h � � t j t � fd�� j D � � � � � � S )aa Return a namespace representing each attribute on the mapped object, including its current value and history. The returned object is an instance of :class:`.AttributeState`. This object allows inspection of the current data within an attribute as well as attribute history since the last flush. c 3 �<