편집 파일: test_f2py2e.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋fBT � �L � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dl Z ddl mZ d dlm Z edd� � ZdCd �Z e j d�� � d � � � Z e j d�� � d� � � Z e j d�� � d� � � Z e j d�� � d� � � Z e j d�� � d� � � Zd� Zd� Zd� Zd� Ze j j d� � � Zd� Zd� Zd� Z d� Z!d� Z"d� Z#d� Z$d� Z%d� Z&d � Z'd!� Z(d"� Z)d#� Z*e j � d$�%� � d&� � � Z+d'� Z,d(� Z-d)� Z.d*� Z/d+� Z0d,� Z1d-� Z2d.� Z3d/� Z4e j � d$�%� � d0� � � Z5d1� Z6d2� Z7d3� Z8d4� Z9d5� Z:d6� Z;d7� Z<d8� Z=d9� Z>d:� Z?d;� Z@d<� ZAd=� ZBd>� ZCd?� ZDd@� ZEdA� ZFdB� ZGdS )D� N)�Path)� namedtuple� )�util)�main�PPathsz(finp, f90inp, pyf, wrap77, wrap90, cmodf�untitledc �@ � t | � � }t |� d� � |� d� � |� d� � |� |� d�� � |� |� d�� � |� |� d�� � �� � S )ax Takes in a temporary file for testing and returns the expected output and input paths Here expected output is essentially one of any of the possible generated files. ..note:: Since this does not actually run f2py, none of these are guaranteed to exist, and module names are typically incorrect Parameters ---------- fname_inp : str The input filename mname : str, optional The name of the module, untitled by default Returns ------- genp : NamedTuple PPaths The possible paths which are generated, not all of which exist z.fz.f90�.pyfz-f2pywrappers.fz-f2pywrappers2.f90�module.c)�finp�f90inp�pyf�wrap77�wrap90�cmodf)r r �with_suffix� with_name)� fname_inp�mname�bpaths �o/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/numpy/f2py/tests/test_f2py2e.py�get_io_pathsr s� � �. ��O�O�E�� � � �t� $� $�� � ��(�(����f�%�%����%�8�8�8�9�9����%�;�;�;�<�<��o�o��0�0�0�1�1� � � � � �session)�scopec � � t j dddd� � � � � }| � � � dz }|� |d�� � |S )�'Generates a single f90 file for testing�tests�src�clizhiworld.f90z hello.f90�ascii��encoding�r �getpath� read_text�getbasetemp� write_text��tmpdir_factory�fdat�fns r �hello_world_f90r. 8 sV � � �<����}�=�=�G�G�I�I�D� � #� #� %� %�� 3�B��M�M�$��M�)�)�)� �Ir c � � t j dddd� � � � � }| � � � dz }|� |d�� � |S )z(F90 file for testing warnings in gh23598r r �crackfortranzgh23598Warn.f90r"