편집 파일: bases.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f�c � � � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZm Z m Z ddlmZm Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZmZ dd lmZmZmZmZ dd lmZmZmZ ddlmZm Z m!Z!m"Z" ej# dk rdd lm$Z$ ndd l%m$Z$ erddl&m'Z' e"d� � Z( e"d� � Z) e"d� � Z*dZ+dZ,ddhZ-ere-�. d� � h d�Z/d4d5d�Z0 G d� d� � Z1 d4d6d$�Z2d%� Z3 G d&� d'e1� � Z4 G d(� d)e4� � Z5 G d*� d+e1� � Z6 G d,� d-e6� � Z7 G d.� d/e4� � Z8 G d0� d1e8� � Z9 G d2� d3e4� � Z:dS )7zXThis module contains base classes and functions for the nodes and some inference utils. � )�annotationsN)�Sequence)� TYPE_CHECKING�Any�ClassVar)� decorators�nodes)� PY310_PLUS)�CallContext�InferenceContext�bind_context_to_node�copy_context)�AstroidTypeError�AttributeInferenceError�InferenceError�NameInferenceError)� InferBinaryOp�InferenceErrorInfo�InferenceResult)�Uninferable�UninferableBase�lazy_descriptor�lazy_import)� � )�Literal)� Constraintzinterpreter.objectmodel�helpers�manager�__bool__�builtinszbuiltins.propertyzabc.abstractpropertyz enum.property> �lazy�reify�LazyProperty�lazyproperty� lazy_property� lazyattribute�cache_readonly�cachedproperty�lazy_attribute�cached_property�DynamicClassAttribute�context�InferenceContext | None�return�boolc �( �� | � |�� � }t � |� � rdS d� |D � � �t �fd�t D � � � � rdS | j sdS | j j pdD ]�}t � ||�� � }|�t |t � � r�6|j j dk rR|j D ]J}|j j dk r�|� |j � � \ }}|j d k r|j d k r dS �K��dS )N�r- Tc �n � h | ]2}t |t � � �|� d � � d ��3S )�.���)� isinstancer �split)�.0�names �^/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astroid/bases.py� <setcomp>z_is_property.<locals>.<setcomp>Q sG � � � � ���$��0�0��� � �3������ � � c 3 � �K � | ]}|�v V � � d S �N� )r8 r9 �strippeds �r: � <genexpr>z_is_property.<locals>.<genexpr>V s( �� � � � <� <��4�8�� <� <� <� <� <� <r<