편집 파일: util.cpython-311.pyc
� �܋f � �b � d dl mZ d dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ ddlmZ d� Z d� Z dd �Zdd�Zdd�Z dS )� )�annotationsN)�Union)�inspect_getfullargspec� )�sqla_2c � �� ddl m} t � � �| D ]}�� |� � �t �� � � |j �fd�| D � � ddt �� � z z d� �� � d��S )a A facade around @testing.combinations() oriented towards boolean keyword-based arguments. Basically generates a nice looking identifier based on the keywords and also sets up the argument names. E.g.:: @testing.flag_combinations( dict(lazy=False, passive=False), dict(lazy=True, passive=False), dict(lazy=False, passive=True), dict(lazy=False, passive=True, raiseload=True), ) would result in:: @testing.combinations( ('', False, False, False), ('lazy', True, False, False), ('lazy_passive', True, True, False), ('lazy_passive', True, True, True), id_='iaaa', argnames='lazy,passive,raiseload' ) r ��configc � ��� g | ]@�d � �fd��D � � � � ft �fd��D � � � � z ��AS )�_c 3 �H �K � | ]}�� |d � � �|V � �dS �FN��get��.0�k�ds ��e/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.6/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/alembic/testing/util.py� <genexpr>z/flag_combinations.<locals>.<listcomp>.<genexpr>9 s4 �� � � �9�9�A����q�%���9�a�9�9�9�9�9�9� c 3 �D �K � | ]}�� |d � � V � �dS r r r s �r r z/flag_combinations.<locals>.<listcomp>.<genexpr>: s/ �� � � �2�2��A�E�E�!�U�O�O�2�2�2�2�2�2r )�join�tuple)r r �keyss @�r � <listcomp>z%flag_combinations.<locals>.<listcomp>8 su ��� � � � � � �X�X�9�9�9�9��9�9�9� 9� 9�;��2�2�2�2�T�2�2�2�2�2� 3� � � r �i�a�,)�id_�argnames)�sqlalchemy.testingr �set�update�sorted�combinations�lenr )r&