편집 파일: python.cpython-311.pyc
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Example: @parametrize('arg1', [1,2]) would lead to two calls of the decorated test function, one with arg1=1 and another with arg1=2.see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/how-to/parametrize.html for more info and examples.z�usefixtures(fixturename1, fixturename2, ...): mark tests as needing all of the specified fixtures. see https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/explanation/fixtures.html#usefixtures )�addinivalue_linerj s rd �pytest_configurer{ � sO � � ���� � � � � ���� S�� � � � rf �nodeidc �� � d}|dz }|dz }|dz }|dz }|dz }|dz }t j t |� | � � � � � � t d� � � d S ) NzFasync def functions are not natively supported and have been skipped. zMYou need to install a suitable plugin for your async framework, for example: z - anyio z - pytest-asyncio z - pytest-tornasync z - pytest-trio z - pytest-twistedz?async def function and no async plugin installed (see warnings))�reason)�warnings�warnrI �formatr>