편집 파일: more.cpython-38.pyc
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If the length of *iterable* is not divisible by *n* and *strict* is ``True``, then ``ValueError`` will be raised before the last list is yielded. c 3 s( � D ]} t | ��krtd��| V qd S )Nziterable is not divisible by n.��len� ValueError)�chunk��iterator�n� ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python38-setuptools-58.3.0-2.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/setuptools/_vendor/more_itertools/more.py�ret� s zchunked.<locals>.retN)�iterr r1 )�iterabler� �strictr� r� r� r� r9 s c C sP zt t| ��W S tk rJ } z|tkr2td�|�| W Y �S d}~X Y nX dS )a� Return the first item of *iterable*, or *default* if *iterable* is empty. >>> first([0, 1, 2, 3]) 0 >>> first([], 'some default') 'some default' If *default* is not provided and there are no items in the iterable, raise ``ValueError``. :func:`first` is useful when you have a generator of expensive-to-retrieve values and want any arbitrary one. It is marginally shorter than ``next(iter(iterable), default)``. zKfirst() was called on an empty iterable, and no default value was provided.N)�nextr� � StopIteration�_markerr� )r� �default�er� r� r� rI � s ��c C s~ zJt | t�r| d W S t| d�r6tdkr6tt| ��W S t| dd�d W S W n. ttt fk rx |t krptd��| Y S X dS )a Return the last item of *iterable*, or *default* if *iterable* is empty. >>> last([0, 1, 2, 3]) 3 >>> last([], 'some default') 'some default' If *default* is not provided and there are no items in the iterable, raise ``ValueError``. ����__reversed__i� r, ��maxlenzDlast() was called on an empty iterable, and no default was provided.N)� isinstancer �hasattrr) r� �reversedr � IndexError� TypeErrorr� r� r� )r� r� r� r� r� rS � s �c C s t t| |d �|d�S )ag Return the nth or the last item of *iterable*, or *default* if *iterable* is empty. >>> nth_or_last([0, 1, 2, 3], 2) 2 >>> nth_or_last([0, 1], 2) 1 >>> nth_or_last([], 0, 'some default') 'some default' If *default* is not provided and there are no items in the iterable, raise ``ValueError``. r, �r� )rS r )r� r� r� r� r� r� rY � s c @ sT e Zd ZdZdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zefdd �Zd d� Z dd � Z dd� Zdd� ZdS )rb a Wrap an iterator to allow lookahead and prepending elements. Call :meth:`peek` on the result to get the value that will be returned by :func:`next`. This won't advance the iterator: >>> p = peekable(['a', 'b']) >>> p.peek() 'a' >>> next(p) 'a' Pass :meth:`peek` a default value to return that instead of raising ``StopIteration`` when the iterator is exhausted. >>> p = peekable([]) >>> p.peek('hi') 'hi' peekables also offer a :meth:`prepend` method, which "inserts" items at the head of the iterable: >>> p = peekable([1, 2, 3]) >>> p.prepend(10, 11, 12) >>> next(p) 10 >>> p.peek() 11 >>> list(p) [11, 12, 1, 2, 3] peekables can be indexed. Index 0 is the item that will be returned by :func:`next`, index 1 is the item after that, and so on: The values up to the given index will be cached. >>> p = peekable(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) >>> p[0] 'a' >>> p[1] 'b' >>> next(p) 'a' Negative indexes are supported, but be aware that they will cache the remaining items in the source iterator, which may require significant storage. To check whether a peekable is exhausted, check its truth value: >>> p = peekable(['a', 'b']) >>> if p: # peekable has items ... list(p) ['a', 'b'] >>> if not p: # peekable is exhausted ... list(p) [] c C s t |�| _t� | _d S �N)r� �_itr �_cache��selfr� r� r� r� �__init__% s zpeekable.__init__c C s | S r� r� �r� r� r� r� �__iter__) s zpeekable.__iter__c C s( z| � � W n tk r" Y dS X dS �NFT��peekr� r� r� r� r� �__bool__, s zpeekable.__bool__c C sJ | j s@z| j �t| j�� W n" tk r> |tkr6� | Y S X | j d S )z�Return the item that will be next returned from ``next()``. Return ``default`` if there are no items left. If ``default`` is not provided, raise ``StopIteration``. r )r� �appendr� r� r� r� )r� r� r� r� r� r� 3 s z peekable.peekc G s | j �t|�� dS )a Stack up items to be the next ones returned from ``next()`` or ``self.peek()``. The items will be returned in first in, first out order:: >>> p = peekable([1, 2, 3]) >>> p.prepend(10, 11, 12) >>> next(p) 10 >>> list(p) [11, 12, 1, 2, 3] It is possible, by prepending items, to "resurrect" a peekable that previously raised ``StopIteration``. >>> p = peekable([]) >>> next(p) Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration >>> p.prepend(1) >>> next(p) 1 >>> next(p) Traceback (most recent call last): ... StopIteration N)r� � extendleftr� )r� �itemsr� r� r� �prependC s zpeekable.prependc C s | j r| j �� S t| j�S r� )r� �popleftr� r� r� r� r� r� �__next__b s zpeekable.__next__c C s� |j d krdn|j }|dkrF|jd kr*dn|j}|jd kr>tn|j}n@|dk r~|jd kr\dn|j}|jd krvt d n|j}ntd��|dk s�|dk r�| j�| j� n>tt ||�d t�}t | j�}||kr�| j�t| j|| �� t| j�| S )Nr, r r� zslice step cannot be zero) �step�start�stopr* r� r� �extendr� �min�maxr� r �list)r� �indexr� r� r� r� � cache_lenr� r� r� � _get_sliceh s zpeekable._get_slicec C sd t |t�r| �|�S t| j�}|dk r6| j�| j� n$||krZ| j�t| j|d | �� | j| S �Nr r, )r� �slicer� r� r� r� r� r )r� r� r� r� r� r� �__getitem__� s zpeekable.__getitem__N) �__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� r� rb � s :c O s t �dt� t| |�S )a� Return a sorted merge of the items from each of several already-sorted *iterables*. >>> list(collate('ACDZ', 'AZ', 'JKL')) ['A', 'A', 'C', 'D', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'Z', 'Z'] Works lazily, keeping only the next value from each iterable in memory. Use :func:`collate` to, for example, perform a n-way mergesort of items that don't fit in memory. If a *key* function is specified, the iterables will be sorted according to its result: >>> key = lambda s: int(s) # Sort by numeric value, not by string >>> list(collate(['1', '10'], ['2', '11'], key=key)) ['1', '2', '10', '11'] If the *iterables* are sorted in descending order, set *reverse* to ``True``: >>> list(collate([5, 3, 1], [4, 2, 0], reverse=True)) [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] If the elements of the passed-in iterables are out of order, you might get unexpected results. On Python 3.5+, this function is an alias for :func:`heapq.merge`. z<collate is no longer part of more_itertools, use heapq.merge)�warnings�warn�DeprecationWarningr )� iterables�kwargsr� r� r� r<