편집 파일: wheel_legacy.cpython-36.pyc
3 �Re � @ s� d dl Z d dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZm Z m Z d dlmZ er`d dl mZmZmZ e je�Zdd� Zd d � Zdd� ZdS ) � N)�open_spinner)� make_setuptools_bdist_wheel_args)�LOG_DIVIDER�call_subprocess�format_command_args)�MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING)�List�Optional�Textc C s^ t | �}dj|�}|s |d7 }n:tj� tjkr8|d7 }n"|jd�sJ|d7 }|dj|t�7 }|S )z'Format command information for logging.zCommand arguments: {} zCommand output: Nonez'Command output: [use --verbose to show]� zCommand output: {}{})r �format�logger�getEffectiveLevel�logging�DEBUG�endswithr )�command_args�command_output�command_desc�text� r ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python36-pip-20.2.4-5.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pip/_internal/operations/build/wheel_legacy.py�format_command_result s r c C st t | �} | s2dj|�}|t||�7 }tj|� dS t| �dkrbdj|| �}|t||�7 }tj|� tjj|| d �S )z>Return the path to the wheel in the temporary build directory.z1Legacy build of wheel for {!r} created no files. N� zZLegacy build of wheel for {!r} created more than one file. Filenames (choosing first): {} r ) �sortedr r r �warning�len�os�path�join)�names�temp_dir�namer r �msgr r r �get_legacy_build_wheel_path* s r$ c C s� t ||||d�}dj| �}t|��l}tjd|� yt|||d�} W n* tk rl |jd� tjd| � dS X t j |�} t| || || d�}|S Q R X dS ) z�Build one unpacked package using the "legacy" build process. Returns path to wheel if successfully built. Otherwise, returns None. )�global_options� build_options�destination_dirz Building wheel for {} (setup.py)zDestination directory: %s)�cwd�spinner�errorzFailed building wheel for %sN)r r! r"