편집 파일: utils.cpython-34.pyc
� �Re� � @ s� d d l m Z m Z m Z d d l m Z y d d l j j Z Wn$ e k rh d d l j j Z Yn Xd d d d d g Z Gd d � d e � Z d d � Z d d � Z d d � Z d S) � )�absolute_import�division�unicode_literals)� ModuleTypeN� default_etree�MethodDispatcher�isSurrogatePair�surrogatePairToCodepoint�moduleFactoryFactoryc @ s1 e Z d Z d Z f d d � Z d d � Z d S)r ap Dict with 2 special properties: On initiation, keys that are lists, sets or tuples are converted to multiple keys so accessing any one of the items in the original list-like object returns the matching value md = MethodDispatcher({("foo", "bar"):"baz"}) md["foo"] == "baz" A default value which can be set through the default attribute. c C s� g } xl | D]d \ } } t | � t t t t f k r^ x7 | D] } | j | | f � q>