편집 파일: egg_info.cpython-312.pyc
� t��e�g � � � d Z ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddlZddlZddl Z ddlZddlZddl Z ddlZddlZddlmZ dd lmZmZ d dlmZ ddlmZ dd lmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlmZ ddlm Z ddl!m"Z" ddl#m$Z$ ddl%m&Z& djN e jP � Z)d� Z* G d� d� Z+ G d� de+e� Z, G d� de� Z G d� de� Z-d� Z.d� Z/d � Z0ejb Z1ejd Z2d!� Z3d"� Z4d(d#�Z5d$� Z6d)d%�Z7 G d&� d'e&� Z8y)*zUsetuptools.command.egg_info Create a distribution's .egg-info directory and contents� )�FileList)�DistutilsInternalError)�convert_path)�logN� )�metadata)� _entry_points�_normalization� )�_requirestxt)�Command)�sdist)�walk_revctrl)�edit_config)� bdist_egg)�glob)� packaging)�SetuptoolsDeprecationWarningz{}.{}c � � d} | j t j j � }t j t j � }d|�d�}t |� D �]6 \ }}|t |� dz k( }|dk( r|r|dz }n|d|�d|�d �z }�2d }t |� } || k r�|| } | dk( r ||dz z }n�| dk( r||z }n�| d k( r�|dz }|| k r || dk( r|dz }|| k r || dk( r|dz }|| k r|| dk7 r|dz }|| k r || dk7 r�|| k\ r|t j | � z }nU||dz | }d} |d dk( rd} |dd }| t j |� z } |d | �d�z }|}n|t j | � z }|dz }|| k r��|r��2||z }��9 |dz }t j |t j t j z �� S )z� Translate a file path glob like '*.txt' in to a regular expression. This differs from fnmatch.translate which allows wildcards to match directory separators. It also knows about '**/' which matches any number of directories. � z[^�]r �**z.*z(?:�+z)*r �*�?�[�!�^Nz\Z)�flags)�split�os�path�sep�re�escape� enumerate�len�compile� MULTILINE�DOTALL)r �pat�chunksr# � valid_char�c�chunk� last_chunk�i� chunk_len�char�inner_i�inner� char_classs ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python312-setuptools-69.0.2-1.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python312/lib/python3.12/site-packages/setuptools/command/egg_info.py�translate_patternr8 % s* � � �C� �T�Z�Z������ $�F� �)�)�B�F�F� �C��!�J��f�%� >���5��#�f�+��/�)� � �D�=���t��� �z�3�7�7��� ����J� ��)�m���8�D��s�{��z�C�'�'������z�!������a�%���Y�&�5��>�S�+@�%��k�G��Y�&�5��>�S�+@�%��k�G� � �)�e�G�n��.C�%��k�G� � �)�e�G�n��.C� �i�'� �2�9�9�T�?�*�C� "�!�a�%�'�2�E�!#�J� �Q�x�3��%(� � %�a�b� ���"�)�)�E�"2�2�J��Z�1�1�C� �A��r�y�y���&�� ��F�A�U �)�m�Z ��3�J�C�}>�@ �5�L�C� �:�:�c����� � �!9�:�:� c �h � e Zd ZdZdZed� � Zd� Zd� Zde de fd�Zde fd�Zde fd �Z ee � Zy) � InfoCommonNc �\ � t j | j j � � S �N)r � safe_name�distribution�get_name��selfs r7 �namezInfoCommon.name| s"