편집 파일: wheel.cpython-311.pyc
� �Re � � � d dl Z d dlZd dlZd dlmZ d dlmZ d dlmZ d dl m Z d dlmZm Z d dlmZ d dlmZ d d lmZ d d lmZ d dlmZmZ d dlmZ d d lmZmZ e j e� � Z G d� de� � Z!dS )� N)�Values)�List)� WheelCache)� cmdoptions)�RequirementCommand�with_cleanup)�SUCCESS)�CommandError)�InstallRequirement)�get_requirement_tracker)� ensure_dir�normalize_path)� TempDirectory)�build�should_build_for_wheel_commandc �N � e Zd ZdZdZd d�Zededee de fd�� � ZdS ) �WheelCommanda� Build Wheel archives for your requirements and dependencies. Wheel is a built-package format, and offers the advantage of not recompiling your software during every install. For more details, see the wheel docs: https://wheel.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Requirements: setuptools>=0.8, and wheel. 'pip wheel' uses the bdist_wheel setuptools extension from the wheel package to build individual wheels. z� %prog [options] <requirement specifier> ... %prog [options] -r <requirements file> ... %prog [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ... %prog [options] [-e] <local project path> ... %prog [options] <archive url/path> ...�returnNc �� � | j � ddddt j d�� � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � ddd d d�� � | j � t j � � � � | j � t j � � � � | j � d d d d�� � | j � t j � � � � t j t j | j � � }| j � d|� � | j � d| j � � d S )Nz-wz--wheel-dir� wheel_dir�dirzLBuild wheels into <dir>, where the default is the current working directory.)�dest�metavar�default�helpz--no-verify� no_verify� store_trueFz%Don't verify if built wheel is valid.)r �actionr r z--prezYInclude pre-release and development versions. By default, pip only finds stable versions.)r r r r )�cmd_opts� add_option�os�curdirr � no_binary�only_binary� prefer_binary�no_build_isolation� use_pep517� no_use_pep517�constraints�editable�requirements�src�ignore_requires_python�no_deps�progress_bar� build_options�global_options�require_hashes�make_option_group�index_group�parser�insert_option_group)�self� index_optss ��/builddir/build/BUILDROOT/alt-python311-pip-21.3.1-3.el8.x86_64/opt/alt/python311/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip/_internal/commands/wheel.py�add_optionszWheelCommand.add_options+ s� � �� � � ������I�-� !� � � � � � � ��!5�!7�!7�8�8�8�� � � ��!7�!9�!9�:�:�:�� � � ��!9�!;�!;�<�<�<�� � � ��!>�!@�!@�A�A�A�� � � ��!6�!8�!8�9�9�9�� � � ��!9�!;�!;�<�<�<�� � � ��!7�!9�!9�:�:�:�� � � ��!4�!6�!6�7�7�7�� � � ��!8�!:�!:�;�;�;�� � � ���!1�!1�2�2�2�� � � ��!B�!D�!D�E�E�E�� � � ��!3�!5�!5�6�6�6�� � � ��!8�!:�!:�;�;�;�� � � �����8� !� � � � � � � ��!9�!;�!;�<�<�<�� � � ��!:�!<�!<�=�=�=�� � � ����2� !� � � � � � � ��!:�!<�!<�=�=�=��1��"��K� � � � ��'�'��:�6�6�6���'�'��4�=�9�9�9�9�9� �options�argsc � � t j |� � | � |� � }| � ||� � }t |j |j � � }t |j � � |_ t |j � � | � t � � � � }t |j dd�� � }| � ||||� � }| � ||||||j d�� � } | � | ||||j |j �� � } | � |� � | � |d�� � }g }|j � � � D ]C} | j r| � | � � �t3 | � � r|� | � � �Dt7 |||j |j pg |j pg �� � \ }}|D ]�} | j r| j j sJ �| j sJ � tC j"