편집 파일: cell.js
var _ = require('lodash'); var utils = require('./utils'); /** * A representation of a cell within the table. * Implementations must have `init` and `draw` methods, * as well as `colSpan`, `rowSpan`, `desiredHeight` and `desiredWidth` properties. * @param options * @constructor */ function Cell(options){ this.setOptions(options); } Cell.prototype.setOptions = function(options){ if(_.isString(options) || _.isNumber(options) || _.isBoolean(options)){ options = {content:''+options}; } options = options || {}; this.options = options; var content = options.content; if (_.isString(content) || _.isNumber(content) || _.isBoolean(content)) { this.content = String(content); } else if (!content) { this.content = ''; } else { throw new Error('Content needs to be a primitive, got: ' + (typeof content)); } this.colSpan = options.colSpan || 1; this.rowSpan = options.rowSpan || 1; }; Cell.prototype.mergeTableOptions = function(tableOptions,cells){ this.cells = cells; var optionsChars = this.options.chars || {}; var tableChars = tableOptions.chars; var chars = this.chars = {}; _.forEach(CHAR_NAMES,function(name){ setOption(optionsChars,tableChars,name,chars); }); this.truncate = this.options.truncate || tableOptions.truncate; var style = this.options.style = this.options.style || {}; var tableStyle = tableOptions.style; setOption(style, tableStyle, 'padding-left', this); setOption(style, tableStyle, 'padding-right', this); this.head = style.head || tableStyle.head; this.border = style.border || tableStyle.border; var fixedWidth = tableOptions.colWidths[this.x]; if(tableOptions.wordWrap && fixedWidth){ fixedWidth -= this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight; this.lines = utils.colorizeLines(utils.wordWrap(fixedWidth,this.content)); } else { this.lines = utils.colorizeLines(this.content.split('\n')); } this.desiredWidth = utils.strlen(this.content) + this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight; this.desiredHeight = this.lines.length; }; /** * Each cell will have it's `x` and `y` values set by the `layout-manager` prior to * `init` being called; * @type {Number} */ Cell.prototype.x = null; Cell.prototype.y = null; /** * Initializes the Cells data structure. * * @param tableOptions - A fully populated set of tableOptions. * In addition to the standard default values, tableOptions must have fully populated the * `colWidths` and `rowWidths` arrays. Those arrays must have lengths equal to the number * of columns or rows (respectively) in this table, and each array item must be a Number. * */ Cell.prototype.init = function(tableOptions){ var x = this.x; var y = this.y; this.widths = tableOptions.colWidths.slice(x, x + this.colSpan); this.heights = tableOptions.rowHeights.slice(y, y + this.rowSpan); this.width = _.reduce(this.widths,sumPlusOne); this.height = _.reduce(this.heights,sumPlusOne); this.hAlign = this.options.hAlign || tableOptions.colAligns[x]; this.vAlign = this.options.vAlign || tableOptions.rowAligns[y]; this.drawRight = x + this.colSpan == tableOptions.colWidths.length; }; /** * Draws the given line of the cell. * This default implementation defers to methods `drawTop`, `drawBottom`, `drawLine` and `drawEmpty`. * @param lineNum - can be `top`, `bottom` or a numerical line number. * @param spanningCell - will be a number if being called from a RowSpanCell, and will represent how * many rows below it's being called from. Otherwise it's undefined. * @returns {String} The representation of this line. */ Cell.prototype.draw = function(lineNum,spanningCell){ if(lineNum == 'top') return this.drawTop(this.drawRight); if(lineNum == 'bottom') return this.drawBottom(this.drawRight); var padLen = Math.max(this.height - this.lines.length, 0); var padTop; switch (this.vAlign){ case 'center': padTop = Math.ceil(padLen / 2); break; case 'bottom': padTop = padLen; break; default : padTop = 0; } if( (lineNum < padTop) || (lineNum >= (padTop + this.lines.length))){ return this.drawEmpty(this.drawRight,spanningCell); } var forceTruncation = (this.lines.length > this.height) && (lineNum + 1 >= this.height); return this.drawLine(lineNum - padTop, this.drawRight, forceTruncation,spanningCell); }; /** * Renders the top line of the cell. * @param drawRight - true if this method should render the right edge of the cell. * @returns {String} */ Cell.prototype.drawTop = function(drawRight){ var content = []; if(this.cells){ //TODO: cells should always exist - some tests don't fill it in though _.forEach(this.widths,function(width,index){ content.push(this._topLeftChar(index)); content.push( utils.repeat(this.chars[this.y == 0 ? 'top' : 'mid'],width) ); },this); } else { content.push(this._topLeftChar(0)); content.push(utils.repeat(this.chars[this.y == 0 ? 'top' : 'mid'],this.width)); } if(drawRight){ content.push(this.chars[this.y == 0 ? 'topRight' : 'rightMid']); } return this.wrapWithStyleColors('border',content.join('')); }; Cell.prototype._topLeftChar = function(offset){ var x = this.x+offset; var leftChar; if(this.y == 0){ leftChar = x == 0 ? 'topLeft' : (offset == 0 ? 'topMid' : 'top'); } else { if(x == 0){ leftChar = 'leftMid'; } else { leftChar = offset == 0 ? 'midMid' : 'bottomMid'; if(this.cells){ //TODO: cells should always exist - some tests don't fill it in though var spanAbove = this.cells[this.y-1][x] instanceof Cell.ColSpanCell; if(spanAbove){ leftChar = offset == 0 ? 'topMid' : 'mid'; } if(offset == 0){ var i = 1; while(this.cells[this.y][x-i] instanceof Cell.ColSpanCell){ i++; } if(this.cells[this.y][x-i] instanceof Cell.RowSpanCell){ leftChar = 'leftMid'; } } } } } return this.chars[leftChar]; }; Cell.prototype.wrapWithStyleColors = function(styleProperty,content){ if(this[styleProperty] && this[styleProperty].length){ try { var colors = require('colors/safe'); for(var i = this[styleProperty].length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ colors = colors[this[styleProperty][i]]; } return colors(content); } catch (e) { return content; } } else { return content; } }; /** * Renders a line of text. * @param lineNum - Which line of text to render. This is not necessarily the line within the cell. * There may be top-padding above the first line of text. * @param drawRight - true if this method should render the right edge of the cell. * @param forceTruncationSymbol - `true` if the rendered text should end with the truncation symbol even * if the text fits. This is used when the cell is vertically truncated. If `false` the text should * only include the truncation symbol if the text will not fit horizontally within the cell width. * @param spanningCell - a number of if being called from a RowSpanCell. (how many rows below). otherwise undefined. * @returns {String} */ Cell.prototype.drawLine = function(lineNum,drawRight,forceTruncationSymbol,spanningCell){ var left = this.chars[this.x == 0 ? 'left' : 'middle']; if(this.x && spanningCell && this.cells){ var cellLeft = this.cells[this.y+spanningCell][this.x-1]; while(cellLeft instanceof ColSpanCell){ cellLeft = this.cells[cellLeft.y][cellLeft.x-1]; } if(!(cellLeft instanceof RowSpanCell)){ left = this.chars['rightMid']; } } var leftPadding = utils.repeat(' ', this.paddingLeft); var right = (drawRight ? this.chars['right'] : ''); var rightPadding = utils.repeat(' ', this.paddingRight); var line = this.lines[lineNum]; var len = this.width - (this.paddingLeft + this.paddingRight); if(forceTruncationSymbol) line += this.truncate || '…'; var content = utils.truncate(line,len,this.truncate); content = utils.pad(content, len, ' ', this.hAlign); content = leftPadding + content + rightPadding; return this.stylizeLine(left,content,right); }; Cell.prototype.stylizeLine = function(left,content,right){ left = this.wrapWithStyleColors('border',left); right = this.wrapWithStyleColors('border',right); if(this.y === 0){ content = this.wrapWithStyleColors('head',content); } return left + content + right; }; /** * Renders the bottom line of the cell. * @param drawRight - true if this method should render the right edge of the cell. * @returns {String} */ Cell.prototype.drawBottom = function(drawRight){ var left = this.chars[this.x == 0 ? 'bottomLeft' : 'bottomMid']; var content = utils.repeat(this.chars.bottom,this.width); var right = drawRight ? this.chars['bottomRight'] : ''; return this.wrapWithStyleColors('border',left + content + right); }; /** * Renders a blank line of text within the cell. Used for top and/or bottom padding. * @param drawRight - true if this method should render the right edge of the cell. * @param spanningCell - a number of if being called from a RowSpanCell. (how many rows below). otherwise undefined. * @returns {String} */ Cell.prototype.drawEmpty = function(drawRight,spanningCell){ var left = this.chars[this.x == 0 ? 'left' : 'middle']; if(this.x && spanningCell && this.cells){ var cellLeft = this.cells[this.y+spanningCell][this.x-1]; while(cellLeft instanceof ColSpanCell){ cellLeft = this.cells[cellLeft.y][cellLeft.x-1]; } if(!(cellLeft instanceof RowSpanCell)){ left = this.chars['rightMid']; } } var right = (drawRight ? this.chars['right'] : ''); var content = utils.repeat(' ',this.width); return this.stylizeLine(left , content , right); }; /** * A Cell that doesn't do anything. It just draws empty lines. * Used as a placeholder in column spanning. * @constructor */ function ColSpanCell(){} ColSpanCell.prototype.draw = function(){ return ''; }; ColSpanCell.prototype.init = function(tableOptions){}; /** * A placeholder Cell for a Cell that spans multiple rows. * It delegates rendering to the original cell, but adds the appropriate offset. * @param originalCell * @constructor */ function RowSpanCell(originalCell){ this.originalCell = originalCell; } RowSpanCell.prototype.init = function(tableOptions){ var y = this.y; var originalY = this.originalCell.y; this.cellOffset = y - originalY; this.offset = findDimension(tableOptions.rowHeights,originalY,this.cellOffset); }; RowSpanCell.prototype.draw = function(lineNum){ if(lineNum == 'top'){ return this.originalCell.draw(this.offset,this.cellOffset); } if(lineNum == 'bottom'){ return this.originalCell.draw('bottom'); } return this.originalCell.draw(this.offset + 1 + lineNum); }; ColSpanCell.prototype.mergeTableOptions = RowSpanCell.prototype.mergeTableOptions = function(){}; // HELPER FUNCTIONS function setOption(objA,objB,nameB,targetObj){ var nameA = nameB.split('-'); if(nameA.length > 1) { nameA[1] = nameA[1].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + nameA[1].substr(1); nameA = nameA.join(''); targetObj[nameA] = objA[nameA] || objA[nameB] || objB[nameA] || objB[nameB]; } else { targetObj[nameB] = objA[nameB] || objB[nameB]; } } function findDimension(dimensionTable, startingIndex, span){ var ret = dimensionTable[startingIndex]; for(var i = 1; i < span; i++){ ret += 1 + dimensionTable[startingIndex + i]; } return ret; } function sumPlusOne(a,b){ return a+b+1; } var CHAR_NAMES = [ 'top' , 'top-mid' , 'top-left' , 'top-right' , 'bottom' , 'bottom-mid' , 'bottom-left' , 'bottom-right' , 'left' , 'left-mid' , 'mid' , 'mid-mid' , 'right' , 'right-mid' , 'middle' ]; module.exports = Cell; module.exports.ColSpanCell = ColSpanCell; module.exports.RowSpanCell = RowSpanCell;