편집 파일: utils.js
'use strict'; // Load modules const Sntp = require('sntp'); const Boom = require('boom'); // Declare internals const internals = {}; exports.version = function () { return require('../package.json').version; }; exports.limits = { maxMatchLength: 4096 // Limit the length of uris and headers to avoid a DoS attack on string matching }; // Extract host and port from request // $1 $2 internals.hostHeaderRegex = /^(?:(?:\r\n)?\s)*((?:[^:]+)|(?:\[[^\]]+\]))(?::(\d+))?(?:(?:\r\n)?\s)*$/; // (IPv4, hostname)|(IPv6) exports.parseHost = function (req, hostHeaderName) { hostHeaderName = (hostHeaderName ? hostHeaderName.toLowerCase() : 'host'); const hostHeader = req.headers[hostHeaderName]; if (!hostHeader) { return null; } if (hostHeader.length > exports.limits.maxMatchLength) { return null; } const hostParts = hostHeader.match(internals.hostHeaderRegex); if (!hostParts) { return null; } return { name: hostParts[1], port: (hostParts[2] ? hostParts[2] : (req.connection && req.connection.encrypted ? 443 : 80)) }; }; // Parse Content-Type header content exports.parseContentType = function (header) { if (!header) { return ''; } return header.split(';')[0].trim().toLowerCase(); }; // Convert node's to request configuration object exports.parseRequest = function (req, options) { if (!req.headers) { return req; } // Obtain host and port information let host; if (!options.host || !options.port) { host = exports.parseHost(req, options.hostHeaderName); if (!host) { return new Error('Invalid Host header'); } } const request = { method: req.method, url: req.url, host: options.host || host.name, port: options.port || host.port, authorization: req.headers.authorization, contentType: req.headers['content-type'] || '' }; return request; }; exports.now = function (localtimeOffsetMsec) { return Sntp.now() + (localtimeOffsetMsec || 0); }; exports.nowSecs = function (localtimeOffsetMsec) { return Math.floor(exports.now(localtimeOffsetMsec) / 1000); }; internals.authHeaderRegex = /^(\w+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/; // Header: scheme[ something] internals.attributeRegex = /^[ \w\!#\$%&'\(\)\*\+,\-\.\/\:;<\=>\?@\[\]\^`\{\|\}~]+$/; // !#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ and space, a-z, A-Z, 0-9 // Parse Hawk HTTP Authorization header exports.parseAuthorizationHeader = function (header, keys) { keys = keys || ['id', 'ts', 'nonce', 'hash', 'ext', 'mac', 'app', 'dlg']; if (!header) { return Boom.unauthorized(null, 'Hawk'); } if (header.length > exports.limits.maxMatchLength) { return Boom.badRequest('Header length too long'); } const headerParts = header.match(internals.authHeaderRegex); if (!headerParts) { return Boom.badRequest('Invalid header syntax'); } const scheme = headerParts[1]; if (scheme.toLowerCase() !== 'hawk') { return Boom.unauthorized(null, 'Hawk'); } const attributesString = headerParts[2]; if (!attributesString) { return Boom.badRequest('Invalid header syntax'); } const attributes = {}; let errorMessage = ''; const verify = attributesString.replace(/(\w+)="([^"\\]*)"\s*(?:,\s*|$)/g, ($0, $1, $2) => { // Check valid attribute names if (keys.indexOf($1) === -1) { errorMessage = 'Unknown attribute: ' + $1; return; } // Allowed attribute value characters if ($2.match(internals.attributeRegex) === null) { errorMessage = 'Bad attribute value: ' + $1; return; } // Check for duplicates if (attributes.hasOwnProperty($1)) { errorMessage = 'Duplicate attribute: ' + $1; return; } attributes[$1] = $2; return ''; }); if (verify !== '') { return Boom.badRequest(errorMessage || 'Bad header format'); } return attributes; }; exports.unauthorized = function (message, attributes) { return Boom.unauthorized(message || null, 'Hawk', attributes); };