편집 파일: words.js
var baseToString = require('../internal/baseToString'), isIterateeCall = require('../internal/isIterateeCall'); /** Used to match words to create compound words. */ var reWords = (function() { var upper = '[A-Z\\xc0-\\xd6\\xd8-\\xde]', lower = '[a-z\\xdf-\\xf6\\xf8-\\xff]+'; return RegExp(upper + '+(?=' + upper + lower + ')|' + upper + '?' + lower + '|' + upper + '+|[0-9]+', 'g'); }()); /** * Splits `string` into an array of its words. * * @static * @memberOf _ * @category String * @param {string} [string=''] The string to inspect. * @param {RegExp|string} [pattern] The pattern to match words. * @param- {Object} [guard] Enables use as a callback for functions like `_.map`. * @returns {Array} Returns the words of `string`. * @example * * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles'); * // => ['fred', 'barney', 'pebbles'] * * _.words('fred, barney, & pebbles', /[^, ]+/g); * // => ['fred', 'barney', '&', 'pebbles'] */ function words(string, pattern, guard) { if (guard && isIterateeCall(string, pattern, guard)) { pattern = undefined; } string = baseToString(string); return string.match(pattern || reWords) || []; } module.exports = words;