편집 파일: gypsh.pyo
� ��Rac @ st d Z d d l Z d d l Z d d d d d d d d d d g Z i Z x e D] Z d e e e <qO Wd � Z d S( s� gypsh output module gypsh is a GYP shell. It's not really a generator per se. All it does is fire up an interactive Python session with a few local variables set to the variables passed to the generator. Like gypd, it's intended as a debugging aid, to facilitate the exploration of .gyp structures after being processed by the input module. The expected usage is "gyp -f gypsh -D OS=desired_os". i����Nt EXECUTABLE_PREFIXt EXECUTABLE_SUFFIXt INTERMEDIATE_DIRt PRODUCT_DIRt RULE_INPUT_ROOTt RULE_INPUT_DIRNAMEt RULE_INPUT_EXTt RULE_INPUT_NAMEt RULE_INPUT_PATHt SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIRs <(%s)c C s] i | d 6| d 6| d 6} d t j t j t t | j � � � f } t j | d | �d S( Nt target_listt target_dictst datas( Python %s on %s locals.keys() = %s gypsht local( t syst versiont platformt reprt sortedt keyst codet interact( R R R t paramst localst banner( ( sq /opt/alt/alt-nodejs8/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/gypsh.pyt GenerateOutput+ s (( t __doc__R R t _generator_identity_variablest generator_default_variablest vR ( ( ( sq /opt/alt/alt-nodejs8/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/generator/gypsh.pyt <module> s