편집 파일: entry-writer.js
module.exports = EntryWriter var tar = require("../tar.js") , TarHeader = require("./header.js") , Entry = require("./entry.js") , inherits = require("inherits") , BlockStream = require("block-stream") , ExtendedHeaderWriter , Stream = require("stream").Stream , EOF = {} inherits(EntryWriter, Stream) function EntryWriter (props) { var me = this if (!(me instanceof EntryWriter)) { return new EntryWriter(props) } Stream.apply(this) me.writable = true me.readable = true me._stream = new BlockStream(512) me._stream.on("data", function (c) { me.emit("data", c) }) me._stream.on("drain", function () { me.emit("drain") }) me._stream.on("end", function () { me.emit("end") me.emit("close") }) me.props = props if (props.type === "Directory") { props.size = 0 } props.ustar = "ustar\0" props.ustarver = "00" me.path = props.path me._buffer = [] me._didHeader = false me._meta = false me.on("pipe", function () { me._process() }) } EntryWriter.prototype.write = function (c) { // console.error(".. ew write") if (this._ended) return this.emit("error", new Error("write after end")) this._buffer.push(c) this._process() this._needDrain = this._buffer.length > 0 return !this._needDrain } EntryWriter.prototype.end = function (c) { // console.error(".. ew end") if (c) this._buffer.push(c) this._buffer.push(EOF) this._ended = true this._process() this._needDrain = this._buffer.length > 0 } EntryWriter.prototype.pause = function () { // console.error(".. ew pause") this._paused = true this.emit("pause") } EntryWriter.prototype.resume = function () { // console.error(".. ew resume") this._paused = false this.emit("resume") this._process() } EntryWriter.prototype.add = function (entry) { // console.error(".. ew add") if (!this.parent) return this.emit("error", new Error("no parent")) // make sure that the _header and such is emitted, and clear out // the _currentEntry link on the parent. if (!this._ended) this.end() return this.parent.add(entry) } EntryWriter.prototype._header = function () { // console.error(".. ew header") if (this._didHeader) return this._didHeader = true var headerBlock = TarHeader.encode(this.props) if (this.props.needExtended && !this._meta) { var me = this ExtendedHeaderWriter = ExtendedHeaderWriter || require("./extended-header-writer.js") ExtendedHeaderWriter(this.props) .on("data", function (c) { me.emit("data", c) }) .on("error", function (er) { me.emit("error", er) }) .end() } // console.error(".. .. ew headerBlock emitting") this.emit("data", headerBlock) this.emit("header") } EntryWriter.prototype._process = function () { // console.error(".. .. ew process") if (!this._didHeader && !this._meta) { this._header() } if (this._paused || this._processing) { // console.error(".. .. .. paused=%j, processing=%j", this._paused, this._processing) return } this._processing = true var buf = this._buffer for (var i = 0; i < buf.length; i ++) { // console.error(".. .. .. i=%d", i) var c = buf[i] if (c === EOF) this._stream.end() else this._stream.write(c) if (this._paused) { // console.error(".. .. .. paused mid-emission") this._processing = false if (i < buf.length) { this._needDrain = true this._buffer = buf.slice(i + 1) } return } } // console.error(".. .. .. emitted") this._buffer.length = 0 this._processing = false // console.error(".. .. .. emitting drain") this.emit("drain") } EntryWriter.prototype.destroy = function () {}