편집 파일: MSVSUtil.pyo
� �Rac @ s� d Z d d l Z d d l Z i d d 6d d 6d d 6d d 6Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d S( s8 Utility functions shared amongst the Windows generators.i����Nt exet executablet dllt loadable_modulet shared_libraryt libt static_libraryc C ss t j j t j j t � � } t j j t j j | d d � � } t j j | d d � } t j j | d � } | S( s/ Returns the path of the large_pdb_shim.cc file.s ..t datat wins large-pdb-shim.cc( t ost patht abspatht dirnamet __file__t join( t this_dirt src_dirt win_data_dirt large_pdb_shim_cc( ( sj /opt/alt/alt-nodejs6/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/MSVSUtil.pyt _GetLargePdbShimCcPath s $c C sD i } x7 | D]/ } | | k r% q n t j | | � | | <q W| S( s- Performs a partial deep-copy on |in_dict|, only copying the keys in |keys|. Arguments: in_dict: The dictionary to copy. keys: The keys to be copied. If a key is in this list and doesn't exist in |in_dict| this is not an error. Returns: The partially deep-copied dictionary. ( t copyt deepcopy( t in_dictt keyst dt key( ( sj /opt/alt/alt-nodejs6/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/MSVSUtil.pyt _DeepCopySomeKeys s c C s7 | j d d � } d | d | f | d <d j | � S( s� Add a suffix to the end of a target. Arguments: name: name of the target (foo#target) suffix: the suffix to be added Returns: Target name with suffix added (foo_suffix#target) t #i s %s_%si ( t rsplitR ( t namet suffixt parts( ( sj /opt/alt/alt-nodejs6/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/MSVSUtil.pyt _SuffixName/ s c C s t | t | � � S( s� Add a shard number to the end of a target. Arguments: name: name of the target (foo#target) number: shard number Returns: Target name with shard added (foo_1#target) ( R t str( R t number( ( sj /opt/alt/alt-nodejs6/root/usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/node-gyp/gyp/pylib/gyp/MSVSUtil.pyt _ShardName= s c C s] i } x= | D]5 } t | | j d d � � } | r | | | <q q Wg } x[ | D]S } | | k r� x>