편집 파일: index.js
'use strict'; module.exports = (string, count = 1, options) => { options = { indent: ' ', includeEmptyLines: false, ...options }; if (typeof string !== 'string') { throw new TypeError( `Expected \`input\` to be a \`string\`, got \`${typeof string}\`` ); } if (typeof count !== 'number') { throw new TypeError( `Expected \`count\` to be a \`number\`, got \`${typeof count}\`` ); } if (typeof options.indent !== 'string') { throw new TypeError( `Expected \`options.indent\` to be a \`string\`, got \`${typeof options.indent}\`` ); } if (count === 0) { return string; } const regex = options.includeEmptyLines ? /^/gm : /^(?!\s*$)/gm; return string.replace(regex, options.indent.repeat(count)); };