편집 파일: index.js
'use strict' const { builtinModules: builtins } = require('module') var scopedPackagePattern = new RegExp('^(?:@([^/]+?)[/])?([^/]+?)$') var blacklist = [ 'node_modules', 'favicon.ico', ] function validate (name) { var warnings = [] var errors = [] if (name === null) { errors.push('name cannot be null') return done(warnings, errors) } if (name === undefined) { errors.push('name cannot be undefined') return done(warnings, errors) } if (typeof name !== 'string') { errors.push('name must be a string') return done(warnings, errors) } if (!name.length) { errors.push('name length must be greater than zero') } if (name.match(/^\./)) { errors.push('name cannot start with a period') } if (name.match(/^_/)) { errors.push('name cannot start with an underscore') } if (name.trim() !== name) { errors.push('name cannot contain leading or trailing spaces') } // No funny business blacklist.forEach(function (blacklistedName) { if (name.toLowerCase() === blacklistedName) { errors.push(blacklistedName + ' is a blacklisted name') } }) // Generate warnings for stuff that used to be allowed // core module names like http, events, util, etc if (builtins.includes(name.toLowerCase())) { warnings.push(name + ' is a core module name') } if (name.length > 214) { warnings.push('name can no longer contain more than 214 characters') } // mIxeD CaSe nAMEs if (name.toLowerCase() !== name) { warnings.push('name can no longer contain capital letters') } if (/[~'!()*]/.test(name.split('/').slice(-1)[0])) { warnings.push('name can no longer contain special characters ("~\'!()*")') } if (encodeURIComponent(name) !== name) { // Maybe it's a scoped package name, like @user/package var nameMatch = name.match(scopedPackagePattern) if (nameMatch) { var user = nameMatch[1] var pkg = nameMatch[2] if (encodeURIComponent(user) === user && encodeURIComponent(pkg) === pkg) { return done(warnings, errors) } } errors.push('name can only contain URL-friendly characters') } return done(warnings, errors) } var done = function (warnings, errors) { var result = { validForNewPackages: errors.length === 0 && warnings.length === 0, validForOldPackages: errors.length === 0, warnings: warnings, errors: errors, } if (!result.warnings.length) { delete result.warnings } if (!result.errors.length) { delete result.errors } return result } module.exports = validate