편집 파일: consistent-resolve.js
// take a path and a resolved value, and turn it into a resolution from // the given new path. This is used with converting a package.json's // relative file: path into one suitable for a lockfile, or between // lockfiles, and for converting hosted git repos to a consistent url type. const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const relpath = require('./relpath.js') const consistentResolve = (resolved, fromPath, toPath, relPaths = false) => { if (!resolved) { return null } try { const hostedOpt = { noCommittish: false } const { fetchSpec, saveSpec, type, hosted, rawSpec, raw, } = npa(resolved, fromPath) if (type === 'file' || type === 'directory') { const cleanFetchSpec = fetchSpec.replace(/#/g, '%23') if (relPaths && toPath) { return `file:${relpath(toPath, cleanFetchSpec)}` } return `file:${cleanFetchSpec}` } if (hosted) { return `git+${hosted.auth ? hosted.https(hostedOpt) : hosted.sshurl(hostedOpt)}` } if (type === 'git') { return saveSpec } if (rawSpec === '*') { return raw } return rawSpec } catch (_) { // whatever we passed in was not acceptable to npa. // leave it 100% untouched. return resolved } } module.exports = consistentResolve