편집 파일: posix.js
/** * This is the Posix implementation of isexe, which uses the file * mode and uid/gid values. * * @module */ import { statSync } from 'fs'; import { stat } from 'fs/promises'; /** * Determine whether a path is executable according to the mode and * current (or specified) user and group IDs. */ export const isexe = async (path, options = {}) => { const { ignoreErrors = false } = options; try { return checkStat(await stat(path), options); } catch (e) { const er = e; if (ignoreErrors || er.code === 'EACCES') return false; throw er; } }; /** * Synchronously determine whether a path is executable according to * the mode and current (or specified) user and group IDs. */ export const sync = (path, options = {}) => { const { ignoreErrors = false } = options; try { return checkStat(statSync(path), options); } catch (e) { const er = e; if (ignoreErrors || er.code === 'EACCES') return false; throw er; } }; const checkStat = (stat, options) => stat.isFile() && checkMode(stat, options); const checkMode = (stat, options) => { const myUid = options.uid ?? process.getuid?.(); const myGroups = options.groups ?? process.getgroups?.() ?? []; const myGid = options.gid ?? process.getgid?.() ?? myGroups[0]; if (myUid === undefined || myGid === undefined) { throw new Error('cannot get uid or gid'); } const groups = new Set([myGid, ...myGroups]); const mod = stat.mode; const uid = stat.uid; const gid = stat.gid; const u = parseInt('100', 8); const g = parseInt('010', 8); const o = parseInt('001', 8); const ug = u | g; return !!(mod & o || (mod & g && groups.has(gid)) || (mod & u && uid === myUid) || (mod & ug && myUid === 0)); }; //# sourceMappingURL=posix.js.map